Chapter 21

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*aaaaahhhrrrgggh... someone help... please... noo*

Hearing the scream, YN's throat became dry in fear and the moment Jungkook stopped the car in front of Aera's house, YN ran out desperately, followed by the two worried male.

The main door was already open so YN got in easily but the thing she saw, left her completely stunned. A very hideous figure just ran out through the window in the blink of an eye, leaving Aera's blood bathed body on the living room floor.

Aera was unconscious and bleeding profusely. Her arm muscles were lacerated and there were deep scratches on her skin, making the scene look extremely horrific. Only God knew if she was even alive or not!

Jungkook and Taehyung ran past YN and checked up Aera's lifeless body. YN was too shocked to even move and just stood there like a statue.

Two days later~

Fortunately, Aera was saved that night and taken to hospital. But she was still unconscious and fighting for her life. On the other hand, YN was completely devastated as she blamed herself for putting her best friend's life in danger.

For the last two days she stayed in Kim mansion but she didn't talk to anyone, making everyone anxious for her meantal health. Jungkook also came to meet her a few times, but she refused to meet even him.

Taehyung and Namjoon were preparing to go to college and came out of their respective rooms. They were about to head out when suddenly they saw YN come out with her college bag on her shoulder, making them surprised.

"YN, are you going to college?" Taehyung asked with excitement.

YN weakly nodded her head and then was suddenly engulfed into a hug by her loving twin.

Now the whole college already knew about Aera's condition but no one knew exactly what happened to her as the police or news didn't reveal anything specific. Everyone was already curious and when they finally saw the victim's best friend today, A.K.A YN, their curiosity lit up.

Some of her inconsiderate classmates asked her about Aera, which only made YN feel more pain. But she managed to ignore them.

"It's really sad what happened to Aera, but what actually happened to her ha?" Someone asked when YN was sitting by herself in the cafeteria.

"I'm really curious you know! What if you're the one who did this to her because you were so sick of her?" The same girl asked, being really heartless.

Well, it was none other than Jia. Some other students who were nearby, felt bad for YN but they decided to remain quiet and mind their own business. At this point YN was on the verge of crying.

When Jungkook found out that YN was finally in college, he was on cloud nine. He was very excited to meet her after two days but when he got to the cafeteria, the unpleasant event happening there, made him clench his fist in anger.

He was about to get her out of there but someone else beat him to it.

"How can you even call yourself a human, ha? Can't you see she's already devastated? Get yourself a life!" Ji Eun shouted all of a sudden, making everyone gasp in surprise.

Ji Eun was known to be very calm and she never poked her nose in other's business. So seeing her shouting all of a sudden, everyone was quite amused.

After that, she delicately grabbed YN's shoulder and took her out of that place. Seeing YN in safe hands, Jungkook decided to give her some space. Only if he knew Ji Eun's true intentions!

"Hey, don't cry. It's not your fault. Your friend will be okay. Now come with me, hmm!" Ji Eun cooed, walking to the wood's direction.

YN was sobbing quietly and didn't say anything, instead kept walking wherever Ji Eun was taking her.

But before they could go any far, a tall figure stood blocking their way.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to take YN with me," Namjoon spoke.

Well, without waiting for anyone's approval, Namjoon put his arm over his sister's shoulder and walked away with her. Ji Eun just forced a smile on her face and waved them goodbye.

Back to Kim mansion~

"Since her powers got unlocked, the demon inside her woke up too. If we don't do something about it, the other demons won't stop the killings. According to our assumptions, she has already become their target," a member of the higher authority spoke.

"So what do you suggest?" Mr Kim asked.

"We have to arrange a ritual and kill the demon. We are here to take her with us."

All this time, YN was just sitting there, keeping her head hung low. But the mention of the ritual made her look up in fear. Her brothers and parents glanced at each other. They were also afraid to let her go through this.

As there was no other way, Mr Kim nodded in agreement but for some reason, Namjoon was against the idea.

"Is it even possible to kill the demon without harming her? What if something happens to her?" Namjoon asked with a serious tone.

"Little boy, you're still too young to know everything. Let the adults handle this. We know what we are doing. Now, let her come with us," the man retorted and stood up to take YN.

"I won't let...." Namjoot tried to protest but Mr Kim stopped him.

They had faith in the authority so they let their precious daughter go with them. YN looked afraid and worried, so Taehyung gave her a warm hug to give her some psychological support.

"Don't worry little YN, everything will be okay," Taehyung assured, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Wasn't it wrong of us to lie to them? It's their daughter, at least they have the right to know that she won't be able to survive this ritual."

"Do you think they'll let us do this if we tell them the truth? We are doing what needs to be done, otherwise she'll pose a great threat to our kind."

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