Chapter 24

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"Do you remember anything who or what attacked you that night?"

"I... do... but if I tell won't believe me..."

"We will... just tell us what you remember."

"Our college senior, Ji Eun sunbae came looking for YN. When I told her YN wasn't home, suddenly she... she turned into something and attacked me..."

Aera described weakly as a tear drop now escaped her eye. Finally she was awake from the coma and the authority was now questioning her. Even the leader, Si Hyuk was present as the situation was getting out of hand. Aera was lucky to be alive after being attacked by a demon, it was quite rare.

Suddenly her vitals started dropping and seeing her condition get worse, the doctors almost forced the authority to leave the room.

"We have to find those brats as soon as possible. If the demons find YN before us... we're doomed for good," the leader of the authority said with clenched jaw.

"SIR... THE BOYS ARE BACK!" A man suddenly came running.

They didn't waste a second and drove to Kim mansion in a hurry. Entering the mansion all they saw was the grim expression on everyone's faces.

"Where's the girl?" The leader asked.

"She has already been taken, Hyuk!" Mr Kim replied, making the authority shocked.

"By whom?"

This time Namjoon came forward to answer as both his parents were completely broken.

"They stayed at a girl's place named Ji Eun and in the..."

"Oh god! That hospitalized girl just confirmed us that it was Ji Eun who attacked her."

All this time Jungkook and Taehyung tried to console themselves thinking that there was a possibility that Ji Eun wasn't a demon. But now all their little remaining hopes went down the drain.

"Our search team is working with the detectives and I hope we can track down that Ji Eun soon. Now listen to my plan carefully..."

Now about more than fifteen members of the authority and the elder witches of the town were having a serious discussion at the Kim mansion while the young males and females who gathered here, were listening to their elders carefully.

"The ritual of the demons have two phases and once they are done with the first, they will be in a hurry cause at that time their souls will be connected to YN's. After the second phase they'll sacrifice YN and the remaining restrictions to their powers will be gone. So all we have to do is hide near them and when they're done with the first phase, we'll shoot YN. All the demons will die along with her."

When Si Hyuk was done, many others nodded in agreement while a few person's face turned pale.

"Can't we find any other way that doesn't require YN to be killed? You were present there when she was born, Hyuk! Don't you feel any affection towards her?" Mr Kim stated in complete desperation.

"The future of our whole community depends on it. So try to keep your personal feelings aside, Kim."

"We'll never let you lay a hand on her!" Namjoon clenched his fist and approached the leader.

"Unfortunately, you won't be present there to ruin out plan this time," Si Hyuk replied and signalled someone with his eyes.

And out of nowhere a few needle darts were shot and the whole Kim family and also Jungkook fell unconscious on the ground.

"Was it necessary to go this far Mr Hyuk?" Mr Jeon shouted, seeing his precious son in that state.

"Yes it was. They are royal witches, we won't be able to handle them. So it's better if they sleep peacefully while we execute our plan. Now if anyone tries to go against us, remember that we won't spare you this time." The leader growled.

Then the unconscious rebels were tied with the magical rope and locked into a room. Even if they woke up, they won't be able to use their powers due to the rope.

And soon the detectives tracked down Ji Eun's car by checking the CCTV footages. The car was last seen near the outskirts of the town until it disappeared into the woods.


YN's eyes fluttered open when she found herself tied to an oak tree. There was a narrow river floating by that tree and when she turned to the opposite side, she saw a few people organizing some stuffs on the ground.

Her neck was hurting really bad so with much difficulty, she lifted up her head to look further ahead, only to find a crowd of people at a distance. At least hundreds of people were present there.

What was happening!!

YN tried to use her powers but for some reason she couldn't. Noticing her failed attempts, someone approached her.

"It won't work dear YN. We fed you a special potion. By the way, how did it feel when you saw me kissing your baby boy ha? It was not his fault actually, he was so naive," Ji Eun chuckled like a devil.

Tears now started streaming down her cheeks. She was weak and helpless but no one was there to help.

"Gather around my fellow demons. The sun will set soon, let's begin our ritual. Soon we'll be free and powerful and those measly witches won't be able to stop us anymore."

An elderly male, who was wearing a cloak, summoned everyone. They surrounded the Tree to which YN was tied. Suddenly they started making demonic sounds making her ears buzz.

There had already been a heap of firewood kept in the middle and it caught fire like a bonfire. The moment the sun set, the demons started chanting in sync which made YN go crazy. Her head was spinning and she was unable to think.

Then what felt like an eternity to her, suddenly the place became quiet. The first phase was done.

"Shoot her now."

The authority and the other witches were already in position. The archer was about to shoot when suddenly a power surge hit his head and he was knocked down, making the arrow penetrate YN's thigh instead of her heart.

"What the hell..." the leader looked back only to find Namjoon.

Before he could react, the demons started squirming in pain, along with YN. Realizing the presence of other witches, the demons shape shifted and attacked them.

The situation became extremely messy. While some witches were busy fighting the demons to save themselves, some were trying to kill YN. Then again, who were on YN's side, fought both the demons and the authority.

And thus it became a three sided battle. The authority didn't get enough time to assemble witches so they were very low in number, moreover, the royal witches were against them. Now the demons started getting the upper hand.

YN was really confused. Seeing the fight, she couldn't understand who was on whose side. She tried to untie the rope which only made her feel more pain. But she noticed one thing, all the demons were limping and bleeding from the same spot where she was shot.

For a moment she just stood there to process everything, leaning on the tree. Then her eyes drifted off to Taehyung, who was fighting three demons at the same time. He was wounded and bleeding.

There were already a few dead bodies, belonging to both the demons and the witches. And then finally her eyes laid on the almost lifeless body of her beloved.


His body was draped in blood and about five demons surrounded him. His powers were useless at this point. He fell on the ground with a thud and a female demon approached him. Though their shape was shifted, YN could still figure out it was Ji Eun. The demon was ready to pierce Jungkook's body with her pointed limb!

If I kill myself will the demons die with me too? Will I be able to save my family? Will Jungkook live if I sacrifice myself?

Before Ji Eun could kill Jungkook, YN picked up the dagger that was kept there and jabbed it into her heart.

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