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Ivie could see from the look on Olivia's face that something bad had just happened. As she leaned into the look at the letter all of the lights went out, the noise of the generators powering down as they plunged into darkness.

"Ivie!?" Olivia hissed as people began to panic around them "We need to run the emergency protocol"

Ivie felt around for the desk and hit the button on the nurses station to sound the alarm to evacuate.

In the midst of the panic and nurses scrambling by Ivie moved closer to Olivia "What's going on?" Ivie asked as she squinted down the dark hallway.

"I'll go find out" she told her as she folded the letter up "Go make sure they've started the evacuation!" She called as she began feeling her way down the hall.

From the amount of steps she had took she was certain she was close to the stairs that would lead her down to the generators below. Hopefully the back up generators would kick in.

As she opened the door she felt cool cold hands grab around her face, smothering her mouth as she was yanked into the stairwell.


In the midst of her panic she had tried to hit out at her attacker but she wasn't matched in strength and ended up being dragged down the flight of stairs, her heels being left on the stairs one at a time.

Just as she was about to hit out at her attacker she was picked up and dragged out of a door where there was a car waiting for her.

As soon as the light hit her eyes, even when she squinting she saw the marred skin of Jackson's lower jaw. An injury from his time at war.

"Jackson!" She yelled as he pushed her roughly into the back of the waiting car "What are you doing?"

Jackson responded by pushing himself in after her and slamming the door shut. Just as she lunged at him he grabbed at her wrists and slammed them down to the seat.

"Stop fighting Olivia!" He growled at her, his deep set eyes burning with frustration as she continued to fight him.

"Get off me" she hissed as she blew her hair out of her face "So help me god if you don't let go of me-"

"Shut up!" He snapped before clamping a hand over her mouth and pushing her back into the chair "Just shut up"


Olivia tried her best to remember the drive but was struggling to concentrate. There were two men sat in front with guns strapped under their arms and Jackson was practically bouncing with nervous energy at her side.

"Where are you taking me Jackson?" She hissed

"Anna Huseff would like to meet with you"

Olivia knew that her kidnapping had to do with the letter she had relieved but Jackson's involvement was different and personal. This was one of her many few friends that she trusted and he was throwing it away for a stranger.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Jackson ignored her as he faced forward, his jaw clenching.

"I swear to god Jackson if this ends badly your life will not be worth living. If it's not me that kills you it'll be Tommy" she spat as she lunged at him, trying to claw at his face but he was quick and grabbed her hands.


As soon as the car door opened Olivia lunged out and tried to run for it but was grabbed by one of the men infront. As she pulled away she was backhanded, forcing her to the ground as she grabbed at her face.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now