Damage Control

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Once Tommy had finished up his meeting with the accountant he had sat quietly so that he could think. Olivia had waited for him all day, something she wouldn't of done before and she had made it known that she wouldn't stop until they had spoken.

Getting up from his seat he pulled open the door to find only Lizzie at her desk. In an instant he felt his chest tighten with regret until Lizzie interrupted him.

"She said she'll see you tomorrow Tommy" Lizzie smirked as she continued typing on the new type writer Tommy had purchased last week "Something about a family emergency"

"You could of warned me" he told her as he lit up a cigarette.

"And miss the look on your face? I don't think so Tommy"


The following morning Olivia had been at Tommy's office bright and early but still not early enough to beat Tommy. Lizzie was waiting with a smirk as Olivia ascended the stairs.

"Good morning Lizzie" Olivia smiled as she pulled off her coat and hanging it up.

"You just don't give up to do you?" She said as she passed her a cup of tea.

With a tight smile Olivia made her way over to Lizzie desk where she took her seat. Lizzie didn't know Olivia well enough to realise not giving up was a new concept for her.

"How is he?" Olivia asked quietly

Lizzie sighed before taking her seat and pulling out a stack of files "Who bloody knows! Shouldn't you be at work?"

Olivia missed the hospital and being busy but she knew she had to be here. This was more important.

"I have a few days off" she shrugged before plucking the days newspaper off Lizzie's desk and opening it up.

"Lizzie can you get me the-" Tommy paused mid sentence when both of them turned to look at him. Olivia held a small smirk as she flicked the paper up and continued to read it.

The look on his face was priceless but she wasn't going to interrupt his work, especially as she had no right to his time.

"Get me the paperwork Polly for the factory on Porsten Street" he demanded, his tone acidic as he pinned Lizzie to her seat with his eyes.

Lizzie wasn't fazed as she pulled open her draw and pulled out the file "Good morning to you too Tommy"

"Is it?" He asked her which made Olivia roll her eyes behind the paper. There was nobody on this planet more irritable than Tommy Shelby.

Tutting at him Lizzie took her chair and watched as he stormed back into his office. Olivia peered over her newspaper and both women looked at one another.

"So, do you think he's less angry than yesterday?" Lizzie asked

"Oh definitely not" Olivia sighed. It was time to change the plan, she needed to get ahead of this before it went too far.


Smoothing down her skirt and hair she knocked on Tommy's door. Olivia didn't need to turn around to know that Lizzie was waiting with baited breath. It made her more nervous so she tried to forget about it.

"What?" He barked.

Olivia quickly opened the door with a raised eyebrow at his instant cold attitude.

Tommy rubbed a hand over his face as soon as he saw her, his scowl deepening now that she was in his office.

"Do you have time to talk?" She asked him politely but with all the fake confidence she could muster.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ