Rain Drops

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I came to peace with my path,
Now you got me off track.

Olivia had forced her body to move the following morning, forced herself to smile, put on her nurses uniform and get on with it. Over and over again she told herself that she had survive without before and she would do it again.

Jackson was the first to greet her but soon sensed she was off, he had tried to cheer her up but failed miserably so he retreated.

Ivie had come into her shift early expecting a totally different story to the one that Olivia delivered. Beside herself with worry Ivie hadn't sleep a wink and made sure she told her friend.

After there first round Ivie pulled Olivia into an empty stairwell

"You're certain the photographs are current?" Ivie whispered

Olivia huffed before raking a hand through her hair "From what I saw yes. I couldn't look at them for long. I was afraid I would throw up"

"That rat bastard" Ivie hissed "I'll kill him when I see him. Oh I hope to god I see him!"

"Ivie" Olivia groaned "Don't, he's not worth it. Look I'm trying really hard here to forget about him. I just need to get back to how my life was before Tommy Shelby"

"But Liv you were finally getting somewhere, opening up, having fun and now it's all been for nothing! I can't just let that go"

"You have too" Olivia shrugged "I have"

"This doesn't make sense. Why on earth would he have gone to the extremes he had if he was with another woman?"

"Maybe he liked the challenge" Olivia said bitterly, suddenly feeling sick at the thought of Tommy Shelby only courting her to try and prove a point.

"And now Victor wants to court you?" Ivie said, carefully dropping the level of her voice "Don't you think that's a little convenient?"

Olivia rubbed her face in frustration. This had already been rattling in her brain since last night when she slept in her brothers spare room.

"I don't know and I don't care. I'm done with this and with them. Let them kill each other for all I care" she snapped before she began walking back up the stairs.


Ivie was sat at the nurses station later that evening writing up her notes before her shift was over. Rolling her shoulders she was trying to fight off the aches and pains of being on her feet all day.

Just as she was finishing up she heard footsteps coming up the darkened hallway. Looking up she spotted the familiar face and felt a surge of energy as she jumped to her feet.

"You have some nerve!" She growled as she stormed up to Tommy Shelby.

Tommy expected as much so he was careful to remove his cap and stand firm. If she was to slap him he was certain he would take it.

"That I do. Is Olivia here?" He demanded as he steered down at the angry woman in front of him.

Ivie sneered at him "She left hours ago, exhausted from having her life turned upside down by the likes of you"

Turning around she made her way back to the desk to grab her things. Tommy stood firm, determined to find out more information from Olivia's friend. It was always a good idea to know what type of situation he was going to walk in before he did.

"The photographs are old" he said to her as he followed, leaning into his pocket for his cigarettes.

"Sure Mr Shelby" she scoffed as she opened the door the stairs "Two days old that is"

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