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Olivia stood by his side as they watched men go about their work. Peaking up at him she wondered what she was supposed to be looking at. It was a half built building sat on top of a peace of land that had nothing around it for miles.

"In a few months time the Grey Heart Home will be finished" he told her as he took her hand, his fingers automatically entangling with hers as he walked her around the structure "It doesn't look much now but we have more men coming in next week to push it"

Olivia let herself enjoy the warmth of his hand and the feeling in her chest when he gave her the smallest or smiles. It was a rare occasion, one she wouldn't take for granted.

"Why a children's home?" She asked him as they passed a group of men who were looking over some dirty blue prints.

"To give kids growing up in my streets a chance" he told her.

"Be careful Tommy, that heart might become to big for your chest" she teased gently up at him.

With a small smirk he stopped to lean down and kiss her, his cold lips just brushing hers before he pulled his head back "You're okay with the name?" Suddenly there was worry in his eyes and she knew it was because he thought she would pull back from him.

Olivia pulled his hand and continued to walk, being careful not to step where she shouldn't "I'm honoured" she told him simply, pushing away the negative thoughts that involved her mother's disdain for the situation.

"Your mother has tried to stop it" he told her "Sent Polly a solicitors letter"

Olivia nodded, she had expected as much from her mother. The woman was like a dog with a bone when she wanted or didn't want something. This would complicate things and she was certain she would have to face her wrath again.

"Have you responded?" She asked him

Tommy carefully looked at her, gauging her reaction. Now was not the time to cause trouble "We haven't. I wanted to speak to you about it"

"I'll deal with her" Olivia said as she began pulling Tommy back towards his car.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" He teased as he gladly followed, enjoying that she was finally relaxed in his company.

Olivia turned to face him briefly, her cheeks pink from the cold "Yes, you're going to take me to your home before I freeze to death"

Tommy knew she didn't realise the immense effect she had on him because he was good at composing himself. Asking for him to take her home was like a bee to honey.


The snow began to fall heavily as they made there way back to Tommy's and he was incredibly smug. Olivia wouldn't be able to leave with the snow piling up around his house.

"So, how long did it take for you to persuade Ivie?" Olivia asked, interrupting his plan making.

Tommy blew out a ring of smoke before briefly looking at her "It took about an hour" he told her with a grimace"She's very protective over you"

"As I am with her"

"May Carlton will be in my life" he told her quickly, ignoring the slight flinch from Olivia "She takes care of our race horses"

"Okay" Olivia said without any emotion. Tommy knew Olivia resorted to this when she was uncomfortable

"I can find another trainer" he offered as he tried to get her to look at him and when she didn't he grabbed her hand "Olivia"

Olivia sighed before looking down at his hands, wishing that she was better at this, better at saying how she felt.

"No, please don't do that. It's fine" she plastered a familiar smile on her face and removed her hand from his.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now