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Olivia practically threw herself into her car after he had left her, her embarrassment peaking to unbelievable levels as her driver threw her a sympathetic look.

As she closed her eyes and swallowed her feelings she realised that Tommy wasn't just beyond angry with her, he was disappointed. It was written all over his face as he walked away.

That was the worst of it all. As the car pulled into the empty road Olivia remembered the times he had taken her hand, comforted her when she was worried, saved her from the likes of Victor Huseff.

"Great" she hissed to herself as she looked out the window.

Before Tommy Shelby her life was empty of purpose and comfortable, she worked, she spent time with Ivie but she had no one by her side until he barged into her life.

Olivia remembered peering down at him as they wheeled him into surgery, her eyes fixed on his face as she willed him to make it. Remembered the night she held him as he writhed in pain, remembered him taking his steps to recovery, remembered him ignoring every other nurse for her.

The lists were endless. Tommy, even in his recovery had put her first above everyone else. Fear had kept her away, her head had been telling her that if she let him in he would just be ripped away.

But, what if her fear was unjustified? Olivia had lied to Tommy about being engaged for sixth months, ashamed of how she had refused Jack. Then when she told him the truth he accepted it and moved on without judgment.

Suddenly feeling sick she dropped her face into her hands and took deep breaths through her nose.


Olivia had woken the following morning with purpose that she hadn't felt since her first day of nursing school. There was no use in feeling sorry for herself anymore, she didn't deserve it so she was going to change her situation.

Putting herself back together physically was easy. Dressed to impressed with her hair perfectly put together she grabbed her bag and coat and told her driver that she wasn't going to work today.

The drive was long but it gave her enough time to think and plot. If she was going to do this she had to go all in, whether it came back to hit her in the face or not.

The street that they pulled into was empty except for a few office workers going into their buildings. The building they pulled up to was a large factory that had been converted into offices.

"The Shelby Company Ltd" marked the building with a gold plaque by the side of the door.

Olivia turned to her driver and told him she would be a while. Simply nodding at her he told her that he would come back for her in a few hours.

Fixing her lipstick Olivia walked through the building to find a young woman sat at the reception desk.

"Thomas Shelby please" Olivia smiled brightly as as she took off her hat and shook out her hair.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked as she peered over her glasses at her, not impressed by Olivia's cheeriness.


The young girl sighed but Olivia wasn't fazed as she looked around and saw the stairs leading to the top of the building.

"I'll just go up shall I?" Olivia called as she began to make her way up.

"Miss! You can't do that. Mr Shelby is busy!"

"Thanks for your help!" Olivia called back from the middle of the stairs before picking up the pace. Olivia probably had a few minutes before Tommy was aware she was in the building.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now