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Writers note: Okay so a lot of you are really mad at me and I totally understand! I'm showing you some real life traits that we don't like to see in people mind read about. But, hear me out, not everything in life is black and white. 

I hope you'll stick by Olivia and Tommy and see what they're both capable of.

If you're mad I know I'm doing the right thing! Enjoy!!


Olivia felt her head slip into the familiar cloud of grief as she climbed back up her stairs. As she forced her tears away she looked to her dressing table and saw Tommy's shirt, another stark reminder of the mess she had made. Grabbing up the shirt she put it on and slipped back into her bed, burying her head in her pillows as she cried.

Replaying over the moment he left over and over again told her that severed his trust in her. Olivia knew that she had pushed and pushed, forced him away as she tried to deal with her mounting confusion. Telling him she loved him had opened up the flood gates she had been holding back for years, it had been a realisation that her previous love had been young and fickle, that her self sabotage needed to stop.

To pull her further into her grief she remembered the day he told her to let the dead rest. Tommy was telling her to let him in, even back then when they first started on this complicated road.

Having never experienced this type of enchantment before she knew that she was under Tommy's spell as much as he was hers. The difference? she had abused his love for her by keeping him at arms length, refusing to let him in because she was scared.

It was him that should of been scared, scared of her neglect but instead he jumped in feet first and stood by her when she really didn't deserve it.


Olivia gave Ivie a wide birth that following day, deciding to focus on her work rather that the hollow feeling in her chest. Ivie would only tell her how stupid she had been and she wasn't sure her pride could take it.

"Good morning Mr Greenland, how are you feeling?" Olivia asked with a smile as she checked on her fourth patient. Mr Greenland had split his head open and dislocated his wrist from a recent fall.

"I'll be better when I'm out ere' nurse" he told her worn smile, his wrinkles crinkling around his eyes.

"You'll be discharged this afternoon. Is there a Mrs Greenland I can call?" She asked as she scribbled on his discharge papers.

Mr Greenland fixed her with a small warm smile "Unfortunately she passed earlier this year. Can you call my son please?"

The drop in his voice had caught her attention, he was sad that the love of his life wasn't here to grow older with him.

"Of course I can. I'm sorry I hear about your wife" she told him as she patted his hand.

"Are you married nurse?"

Olivia looked down at the floor before looking back at him, collecting her feelings before she opened her mouth. Still weak from the previous night she didn't want to get emotional infront of her patients.

"No I'm not" she sighed as the thought about being a wife, walking down the isle....

"When you get married make sure you cling on to them with every bit of strength you have" he told her kindly as he gripped her hand "This life goes by far to quickly so take it from an old man, treasure those you love while you can"

Olivia felt her eyes burning and knew that her tears where threatening to spill between them so she kindly removed her hand from his.

"I'll make sure I do that" she breathed as turned her back to him and pretended to occupy her hands with his paperwork.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now