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Olivia found herself blindly packing a bag, grabbing her uniform and changing out of her night clothes before she realised what she was doing. Slowly walking down her stairs she found Tommy waiting for her.

"Is this really necessary?" She asked him as he passed her coat.

"It is" he mumbled coldly as he avoided her eyes.

"Well, can't you just stay here?" She asked him as he grabbed her bag, desperately trying to find a way out of this mess.

"There's people watching your house Olivia. There isn't at mine. Let's go" and before she could protest further he was nudging her out the door and into the cold snow.

Quickly locking up she took Tommy's outstretched hand and found herself looking for these men that were so interested in her life.

"You've piqued his interest. Once he gets the message he'll leave you alone" Tommy whispered as he opened his car door for her.

"What message is that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That you're mine" he told her sharply before closing the door.


Olivia didn't say a word as he drove them away from her house. It was better to bite her tongue than face the confusing wrath of Tommy, who was practically simmering at her side.

It was only thirty minutes in when she grew frustrated with the silence "Victor asked if I was your fiancé. Should I have said yes to avoid this predicament I'm in?"

Tommy puffed out a cloud of smoke before setting his jaw "Yes"

Olivia huffed as she looked up at the side of his face "Well I didn't know that my free will was up from grabs"

"Olivia" he warned "You know I wouldn't force anything with you. I haven't so far have I? I'm just tying to protect you from this, the mess that my doing has caused"

"Surely this Victor can't be that bad? I'm pretty certain I could talk to him and explain that I'm not remotely interested"

"No!" He growled before briefly looking at her, a warning in his eyes "Not a chance"

Olivia threw her hands up and turned to look out the window but this only annoyed Tommy. As he drove them closer to Arrow house he was trying to find ways to explain the situation without frightening her.

How could he tell her that the moment Victor was trying to lay his claim, his eyes and his ego far to large to realise that free will existed.

"Olivia" he started as he saw his house up ahead "The last woman he took an interest in ended up in the London river"

Olivia snapped around quickly to look at him and he could not ignore the gut wrenching pain he felt when he saw her fear. Fear he had caused.

"I see" she whispered.

"You just have to trust me. Okay?"

"So let me get this straight?" She snapped "I had two conversations with the man and now I'm being hunted like a god damn fox?"

Tommy flinched but was grateful for the darkness in the car.

"He saw you at the party Olivia, looking the way you did...it's not every day a woman like you turns up"

"This is disgusting!" She cried "Jesus Tommy I didn't realise I would end up being hunted for attending a party. Now what am I supposed to do? Wait until you've staked your claim?"

Tommy squeezed his hands around the steering wheel, desperately trying to control his temper. Of course she had every right to be mad, throw this back in his face but he despised that this was out of his control.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now