Safety Net

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Olivia blinked as she tried to hide the blush creeping up her body, burning her skin as it blazed towards her cheeks. It had been three minutes since anyone had made a sound.

"What's going on?" Ada breathed as she snatched the letter from Polly and began reading it, her eyes darting across the page.

Polly blew out a puff of smirk before tearing her eyes away from Olivia to talk to her family "Tommy wants to put it to the board that Miss Heart be placed on the board. The letter states that based on her recent actions she would make a great asset to our company"

"I'm sorry, what?" She said as she took a step forward, her brain frazzled from the confusing turn of events

"Looks like you saving his life has made quite the impression" Polly said as she placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"I'm so confused" Arthur mumbled before shotting his whiskey back.

"You saved his life" Ada started as she placed the letter in her hand "A few times. Tommy wants to repay you in the only way he knows how"

Olivia took the letter with a shaky hand and peered down at the writing.

"Bloody hell" she whispered "I don't want this. Look I'm just doing my job. I don't know why he would do this" she cried as she placed the letter back on the table.

"Tommy values people he can trust" John Shelby started as he stuck a toothpick in his mouth and nodded at her "You've got my vote"

"You won't have to do anything love, just accept the money and life your life" Ada said as she placed a soothing hand on her arm.

"You warned him about Father Hughes. You didn't have to do that" Polly said "And you saved him from that moron surgeon. If it wasn't for your care Tommy wouldn't be able to walk right now"

Olivia shook her head, her life suddenly being tangled up with the notorious gang infront of her had suddenly taken away her energy.

"I need to go" she mumbled "I'm sorry this is all too much"

"Look love, Tommy has his reasons for everything. How else was he going to repay you for saving is' life eh?" Arthur said as he stood up, holding his hands out as he tried to talk some sense into her.

Olivia let out a breathe she was holding and looked back down at the letter that was simple and to the point. Only a week ago was she in the operating theatre helping to fix Tommy Shelby's skull back together and now he wanted her on the board of his business.

"This can't be right" she uttered.


After spending the journey back trapped in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed she was back at the hospital under her door was opened. Blinking away her sluggish response she stepped out the car, carefully keeping the letter at her side.

Leaving Tommy's driver she summoned up her courage to make her way back into the hospital, hazily greeted all those that passed her in the halls.

Just as she entered her floor, ready to tackle this strange turn of events head on she spotted her mother waiting at the nurses station.

A rush of frustration spurred her forward


Olivia's mother Mary Hopkins was astute and proud, perfectly poised and put together at all times with an acid tongue. Olivia was more like her father, a healer who preferred working with people rather than their pockets.

"Oh Olivia" she tutted as she leaned forward and pushed a stray piece or hair out of her eyes "Did you not have time to fix your hair this morning?"

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon