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Olivia stood by the surgeons side and assisted for four hours as they fixed Michael Greys leg. While they worked through the early hours of the morning Olivia's mother had passed a message to her. They were home and safe.

It was enough to make her blood boil. They had left her in the midst of her chaos. Phillip, her father who had a duty of care also left her to take care of Michael on her own. All it did was solidify that she was out here on her own.

As the surgeon began sewing Michael up she excused herself to get cleaned up and so she could talk to The Shelby Family. Switching into her spare uniform she tied her hair up and ignored the tired look of her eyes.

Olivia felt the final drops of adrenalin leave her body as she dashed her face with cold water. One minute she was dancing and the next her hands where covered in blood. Closing her eyes she took in a deep breath to calm her agitation to the situation she had been in.

As soon as she opened the door to the hallway she was greeted with the whole family including their wives. Olivia was suddenly intimidated by the bunch but her eyes sought Polly and Tommy first.

"Olivia?" Polly jumped up from her seat, dropping Ada's hand to go to her.

"He's okay Miss Grey"

"Oh thank god" she breathed before clutching at her necklace.

Smiling softly she looked around to the family and what a sight they were, dressed to the nines in a hospital waiting room. Olivia's dress had been hastily discarded in the bin.

"We've repaired the wound to his side and his leg. He's lost a lot of blood so he'll be dizzy for a few days. I suggest only two people go in tonight" she patted Polly's arm "He's going to need you Polly as he'll be off his feet for a while"

"Yes of course" she breathed as she wiped her tears "Thank you. Thank you for being there" she nodded, pulling her fierce demeanour back together.

Olivia caught Tommy's eye and knew the stress of the evening had gotten to him. Every part of his suit was skewed and his tie long lost. Even in the midst of their crazy evening she wondered if he was okay, especially his head.

Tommy looked away from her for just a second and she knew that he was hiding his feelings from her. Having seen it many times before she knew to be patient with him.

Arthur stood up and took Olivia's hand, pulling her into a big hug and whispering his emotional thanks in her ear. From the smell of him she knew he had been sinking a few drinks to calm his nerves.

"Come on now Arthur, she's probably tired and doesn't need you all over her" Tommy said as he patted his brothers back.

"Yeah you're right Tom. Sorry Olivia"

Olivia smiled even though she was cautious of the dried blood on his hands "I'll be back in the morning to check on him Polly, if you want to go with the nurse she'll take you to his room"

"Thank you" she said before she took off with the nurse who came to let them know that Michael was settled in his room.

"I'll drive you home" Tommy said as he followed her down the corridor.

"I have a driver waiting" she replied cautiously, wanting to place some distance between them. Tonight had been a severe wake up call that a life around Tommy was dangerous.

"Listen" he started

"Tomorrow" she snapped but sighing, she wasn't used to having to soften her emotions for someone "I'm tired, my feet ache and I've spent the past four hours in surgery"

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now