Frozen River

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Olivia couldn't concentrate on a word Ivie was saying, her thoughts were far away with a man that she barely understood. The last time she saw him was three days ago and it already felt like a lifetime.

"Are you listening?" Ivie huffed as she lifted her glass to her lips. They were at dinner after a long shift, Ivie had to practically drag her out.

"Sorry" she shook her head "What were you saying?"

Ivie gave her a pointed look before putting her glass down "You're thinking about him aren't you?"

"Yes" she breathed before picking up her drink and taking a large gulp "I'm so mad at myself for letting him get under my skin"

"I don't think that's why you're mad Olivia" she started "You're mad because he's right. You need to move on and start living your life"

"Move on with Birmingham's most notorious gangster? Do you know how crazy that sounds?"

"Not as crazy as dying alone" Ivie hit back sarcastically with an eye roll "Look I love you and I'll always support you but you need to open your eyes. Even if you don't want to start something with least don't close yourself off to the world"

Olivia closed her eyes to stem the water that was slowly filling them. Taking in a deep breath she settled her breathing and opened them back up with a small smile.

"This is why we're friends"


The next morning when Olivia was checking in on Michael she noted that he was alone for the first time since he was shot.

"You're healing well Michael. Any issues with bending?" She asked him as she began updating his notes

"Only from my side" he mumbled as he picked up the daily newspaper.

"I'll see to it that you go home tomorrow. I'll let your mother know once I've finished up" she smiled at him before passing him a cup of water and some tablets to take.

"Tommy won't be pleased. How else will he be able to see you?"

The smirk on Michael's face made her uncomfortable. It was as though he had a better insight than she did. Olivia hadn't seen him in three days but the way Michael was looking at her suggested that Tommy was still around.

After Olivia didn't bite he continued "You know the last person he fell for nearly destroyed our family"

The small snippet of information instantly caught her attention, she found herself pausing over her paperwork.

"I'm sure that was difficult for you all" she replied as she made herself useful by opening up his blinds.

"Difficult is an understatement" he mumbled before putting the paper down "Did he show you his surprise?"

Olivia remembered his whispered words the night of his event, telling her that he had a surprised for her later on that evening. A surprise they never got around too.

"He didn't get around to it"

Michael nodded "I thought so, especially since you're so frosty with him. You know he's named the children's home after you and my mum?"

Olivia's heart plummeted so fast that it took her breath away. Michael must be playing tricks on her, there was no reasonable explanation for it.

"What!?" She demanded, her hand coming up to her chest as she tried to comfort herself from the strange emotions seeping over her skin.

Michael smirked with boyish charm "He was going to unveil it to you after the event, probably worried that you would be scared"

"He would of been right"

Michael continued "Grey Heart- Home for displaced children"

"Why would he do that?" She whispered to herself as she took a seat on Michael's bed, forgetting he was even in the room. Deja vu began to creep over her, he had done this before by putting her on the board of his business.

Tommy Shelby was intertwining her in everything that he cared about, showing her his true feelings in the only way he knew how.

"Tommy has a strange way of doing things. Normal people would of started courting. Not Tommy, no, he likes to put women on boards and children's homes"

"Can you stop talking for a second?" she wheezed "I can't breathe" Olivia suddenly remembered when he told her they should skip courting snd go straight to being married.

"Sorry!" He blustered "I didn't realise it would make you so....unhappy"

"Why is he doing this?"

"Well if I was to hazard a guess" he teased, taking great pleasure in his teasing "I would say he's in love with you"


As soon as Olivia had left Michael's room she had told Ivie to cover for her, that she had an urgent matter to take care of. Snatching up her coat she rushed out of the building to her driver who was waiting eagerly to take her to her destination.

Michael had told Olivia that there would be one place Tommy would be and that was a small betting den in the middle of Small Heath. If Michael was right he would be with Polly going over the intakes of their just turned legal betting den.

As she drove through the streets she found herself completely agitated by everything. Dealing with nerves was never a strong point for Olivia. It had taken a great deal of energy for her to sit still while they drove at what seemed to be a snails pace. By the time they had arrived she was completely on edge.

The street she stepped on had a cue of people waiting to get into the small betting den. Men turned to stare, transfixed at the odd face getting out of a fancy car. It didn't matter though as she pushed to the front of the line, telling them who she was there to see.

Opening the door she took in the vast space full of bricked walls, desks and small offices around the edge of the room. There was chalk boards filled with odds and horses names, a betting mans dream. Olivia told herself that once she had spoken to him she was going to ask him to tell her all about this place.

Stepping forward she searched for him in the empty space. Just as she spotted his back, stood in his office she saw that he wasn't alone and it wasn't with Polly.

The woman he was with suddenly leaned a hand out to him, touching his chest and slowly stroking her finger tips down his torso. There was a sly seductive smile on her face, that held secrets she couldn't see.

Olivia found herself stuck to the ground, her feet and legs suddenly turning to led. As she watched him allow the strange woman's hands to dance down his body she felt a jealous rage begin to simmer. It had been years since she felt anything remotely as strong but she was certain if she didn't leave it would get worse.

Jealousy and regret began to mix as the mysterious woman placed her head on his chest, close to his heart. Ignoring the swell of sudden tears she pulled her eyes away and turned, rushing out of the betting den and back into her waiting car.

"Olivia?" She heard her name being called but it sounded far away. Staring numbly at the back of her drivers head she told him to move, that she needed to go home.

Tommy Shelby had persued her forcefully, made her unearth feeling that she had been happy to keep away. After finally persuading her of his feelings she came to find out that she had been right about him all along.

Love was completely off the table. Olivia had been reluctant to let him in and now she had found painful validation for herself. A sickening feeling resided in her stomach and the only thought that kept her from breaking open in the back seat was that in an hour she would be at home, hidden away and safe from Tommy.

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