Twisted Truths

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In a flurry of hands and rough shoves Olivia had been shoved into a chair around a table that had been ornately decorated, ready for two women to sit down and have tea.

Two women that would usually be dressed in their best would of sat to enjoy the tea before them. Olivia however had blood down the front of her uniform, her lip bruised, her hair half out of its pin and her feet bare.

If only her mother could see her now she thought sarcastically.

Jackson was hovering by the door, his arms crossed as he stood behind Anna and Olivia knew he was making it very clear where his loyalties lay.

"Tea?" Anna asked sweetly as she held up the tea pot.

"Sure" Olivia breathed as she began rubbing her wrists, trying to bring life back to them.

"Miss Heart, what do you know about my brothers death?" Anna asked as she looked up from her tea pouring.

Olivia felt herself shrink away "Not much"

"No? So Tommy Shelby didn't put a bullet through my brothers head, for you?" She snapped as she slammed the kettle down, scolding hot water splashing on the table.

"Your brother was going to kidnap me" she snapped back, fixing her jaw "He was going to take me to America"

Anna's laugh was sudden as she leaned back into her chair, her bright red nails gripping the diamonds dropping across her throat.

"And Tommy told you this?"

"Yes" Olivia breathed as she tried to feign confidence.

"I see" Anna clicked her fingers and Jackson stepped forward, producing a file that Anna gladly passed to her. Olivia ignored the file, scared that the information it pertained was going to be deadly.

"Open it"


Shaking her head slightly she forced a cup of tea infront of Olivia "In the envelope is a letter from my brother, dated to me a week before he was killed. In that letter he stated his desire to ask for your hand in marriage"

Olivia blinked at the information but bit her tongue. For all she knew Anna Huseff was fighting dirty in hopes to pull Olivia away from Tommy before she killed her.

Anna continued gladly "I was pleased with the information. My brother had a big heart and I was glad he was sharing it with someone. I suggested he bring you to meet the family for their approval first"

"I barely knew your brother" Olivia whispered

"So you can imagine my surprise when I found out he had been murdered and tossed like rubbish by a woman he barely knew "

"Your brother had people watching my house, he was going to take me against my will"

Anna leaned forward, squinting her eyes at Olivia "Let me guess Mr Shelby told you that?"


Anna shook her head "Did you ever see these men Miss Heart?"

Olivia heart thumped painfully in her chest "Well no but-"

"So you haven't seen these men nor this 'plot' for your kidnapping?" She mused with a victorious smirk

"He used my brother to get to me!" Olivia snapped forcefully "Threatened to kill him if he didn't give me up"

"This brother that your sweetheart has hidden from us?"

"He's with my parents!"

"Is he?"

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now