Delay Me

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Hours later Tommy went in search of Olivia, hoping that his hectic family hadn't scared her off, only to find her outside alone.

Tonight her hair was down and blowing freely in the wind. Even in the darkness she was radiant, her skin glowing under the moonlight.

"What are you doing?" He asked gruffly as he stood next to her, trying to smother the unusual feelings he was experiencing.

"Hiding so that your sister doesn't get me drunk" she replied softly as she looked up at the sky, enjoying the stars above their heads. Living in the middle of know where had its benefits.

"Sounds like our Ada" he mumbled as he placed an arm around her waist and pulled her into his side. Even outside she smelled of vanilla and now his family's whiskey.

"Tommy" she started "What did Arthur say to my family? I've been placed as the sole heir to the hospital"

Tommy cleared his throat as he decided what to do next. Having hoped he would have longer he realised she would need answers.

"We'll talk about this later. Come on we should go back inside"

Tommy began to pull away but she grabbed his hand, stopping him from moving "You promised me that you would leave my brother to me"

"I promised your brother" he corrected "Look, we'll talk about this later"

"Oh we definitely will" she huffed as she brushed by him with a small glare.

"Be the bloody death of me" he mumbled to himself as he skulked after her.


Polly stood in the kitchen pouring herself a drink when Tommy walked in, his eyes telling her that they needed to talk. Pouring him a drink she passed him the glass and motioned for him to start.

"Is Michael back yet?" He asked her as he began loosening up his tie.

Polly in her very smug fashion smirked at him "A few hours ago. Don't worry Tommy it's safe with us"

"Tell him to keep it at the house. I don't need it yet" he told her gruffly, his eyes letting him know there was a problem.

Intrigued but also worried Polly leaned in so that only they could hear "What's happened?"

"The Hopkins have informed Olivia of their change in wishes. I need to speak to her first before I do anything"

"Why is that a problem? She's getting what's rightfully hers Tommy"

Tommy sighed before swiping a hand down his face, he needed a cigarette but knew Esme would cut his balls off if he smoked in her kitchen.

"She won't see it that way, she'll see it as me meddling. I need to straighten it out before it gets away from me"

Polly let out a small laugh, she was complete surprised at Tommy's sudden careful nature. This is how she knew Tommy was completely at the mercy of Olivia, his love for her had not bounds.

"What has she done with my nephew?" She teased as she took a delicate sip of her drink

Tommy threw her a glare, his breath coming out as a huff from his Aunts gentle teasing "Polly" he warned.

"Oh lighten up Tommy!" She said as she patted his arm "We all know it's the women that are really in charge here" she winked before leaving him in the kitchen alone.


On the way back Olivia had been patient and pushed her questions aside until she realised that they weren't going back to her house. Instead Tommy had taken a different direction and drove them to Arrow House.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now