Ever After

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Tommy kept Olivia by his side the whole night. At first, he'd told himself it was so she would find it easier to take his family but after a few hours he realised it was for his sake. He didn't want to be without her touch.

With her thumb rubbing soothing circles across his hand he  felt sweet calming relief for the first time in months. There was no fighting, nobody trying to punish him and no issues within the family.

Just delectable, sweet relief.

Olivia Heart is balm to all the bad in his life. She was his balance. His equal. His conscious. With enough strength to forgive his incessant pushing and see him for what he was.

To see the man that would run into a burning building for her. A man that had been patient enough to wait for her.

Every day she made him a better man.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, taking the glass of whiskey from his hand "You haven't said a word in hours"

Looking from her soft lips to the worry shining in her eyes he realised while he basked in bliss she was worrying.

Leaning in, he captured her face "Tell me, if I was to take you from here right now would you come without an argument?"

She paused, sliding her hands to meet his, holding him to her "Of course but we shouldn't leave just yet Tommy. We're here for Katie's birthday"

Tommy shook his head. Katie wouldn't be bothered or they left her party, she was too busy cooing over the doll Olivia had given her.

"They'll come with us"

Olivia raised an eyebrow, confused as to where he was going with this "Tommy..." she breathed his name, fretting about the sudden change in his mood.

He smiled, catching her off guard "I like my name from your lips" he kissed her deeply, tasting her before pulling away "Now come with me"


And so she did alongside the whole Shelby clan. The whole family gathered into their cars with one simple instruction: to follow Tommy.

Playfully she had teased Tommy in the car, trying her hardest to guess where he was taking her but he simply smirked and told her to be patient.

"A church? Tommy, why are we here?" Olivia whispered as the pulled up at a small church on the outskirts of Birmingham.

It's windows where lit with the warm glow of candles, emitting a cosy welcoming that was much needed in the winter night. It's doors where being held open, waiting for them all to enter.

Tommy placed his palm on her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

"We're here because I can't be without you Olivia. I need you in my life for the rest of my days. I need to tie myself to you. To know that your mine in the eyes of this world so that nothing and nobody can get between us" she melted into his palm, her eyes blinking away tears of joy.

"You trust me" she was breathless as she peered up at him.

"I do" he leaned down and brushed, just a touch of his lips against hers "Marry me, Olivia"

Esme in the background squeaked with delight before John pulled her away, laughing as he tried to shush his wife.


Olivia blinked once, her heart running its tenth marathon for the night "Right now?"

He nodded, a small smirk playing on his lips "I thought we could skip the waiting and just get on with it. What do you think Miss Heart?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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