Forgive Me

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Before Olivia could reach for the door Tommy reached over, grabbed both of her hands in his and pulled them close to his body.

"Where the hell is my driver?" She hissed at him, her eyes firmly on him as she began to wiggle free

"He's got the day off. Say hello Ralph"

Ralph, the strange driver in front greeted her "Good morning Miss Heart"

Olivia rolled her eyes before ripping her hands out of Tommy's warm grip and smoothing her hair down. Kicking herself she realised she was so eager to get out of the snow that she hadn't even checked who was in the car.

"Ralph, you better be taking me to the hospital"

Ralph didn't flinch nor look at Tommy as he continued driving "Sorry Miss but I take my orders from Mr Shelby"

"Of course you do" she muttered to herself before putting her attention back on Tommy who seemed quiet pleased with his little plan. Olivia should of realised when she ignored him all night that he would come back with a plan.

"Ivie has booked you today off" he told her gently, aware that she was nervous around him, her hands shaking as she pushed her hair away from her eyes.

"What?" She breathed

"I've made arrangements with Ivie for you to have the day off. We need to talk"

"I don't want to talk Tommy. I don't even want to be in this car with you"

Tommy leaned back into his seat and looked out the window, careful not to bite at her anger. They were on the precipice and he was worried that he would push her too far. A day had passed and he could already see she was hardening to him.


"Olivia get out of the car" Tommy groaned as he stood at the top of his drive way. They had been here five minutes and she had refused to leave the car, telling him to take her to the hospital.

"No" she snapped back as she crossed her arms and looked straight forward.

Ralph stood outside the car with a small smirk on his face, enjoying the view as Tommy tried to persuade Olivia to leave his vehicle.

"Don't make me drag you out" he hissed as he bent down to peer at her.

"I'd like to see you try" she huffed as she flicked her hair over shoulders and fixed him with a hard stare. Olivia was not one to back down from a challenge.

Tommy wasted no time as he reached into the car and grabbed her arm, with one tug she slid easily across the seat and into his arms.

Olivia whacked him on the chest as she tried to get away "" she hissed through gritted but it was futile as he began dragging her to the house.

"I will as soon as you're inside" he growled back as he slipped his hand into hers and tugged her inside. Mary, Tommy's head maid was staring at them both with mild amusement.

"This is ridiculous. How dare you do this Tommy! What the hell is wrong with you?" She shouted as he began pulling her towards his office, grabbing at her every time she managed to slip from his grip by an inch.

"Wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you Olivia? I'm trying to sort this mess out"

"It's your mess and nobody is asking you to sort it out. If I haven't made myself clear Tommy I'm not interested in your pathetic lies" she snapped as she was pulled into his office.

Slamming the door so hard, it bounced off the wall Tommy then angrily closed it. Taking in deep breaths he was trying desperately to remain level headed but she was pushing him to the brink of self destruction.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now