The end

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Thank you so much for reading this book. This has been my proudest and most comprehensive story ever written.

I hope you liked to read it as much as I liked to write it.

Please read these facts about my story!

1. This book was supposed to be a Randy fan fiction. But because Rye started dating Honor, I decided it was better if I didn't do it. I like Honor and it felt weird to write a story about someone who already is seeing someone. Also a few weeks into writing this, RoadTrip broke up, so I'm glad with my decision.

2. Mike and Elio were supposed to end up together. I changed it in the end, because in real life it can happen that you like someone and they don't like you back. I did want to show that it's possible for people to still be friends after your mate came out and after finding out they like you. A relationship can stay strong if you work hard!

3. Chapter 28 took me months to write. I wanted to really capture the feeling of being in love with someone, but I wasn't in love so how could I write about it? A few months ago I met a girl and I'm falling for her, and I used those feelings to write that chapter. Fun fact; the first few paragraphs were written in class when I thought about her. I'm not going to go into details about my sad love life XD

4. Ash is inspired by Colby Brock. Newton by Andy Fowler and Benji. Owen by your average e-boy Asian dude from Pinterest. Mike by your average school boy who always wears shorts and a white T. And Elio was inspired by your average football jock.

5. I started to write this story more as an escape then a real book. I wanted to explain my emotions through another persons eyes. I've been struggling with mental health for years now, and I wanted to describe what it's like to have depression and anxiety through Ash, which I think worked pretty well. I used my own notes and experiences for this story, so it's quite personal actually.

6. This books was supposed to contain smut and be a real love story, but I didn't write it like that. I wanted this story to focus on the mental issues and the sweet side of love. Plus I get really uncomfortable of writing smut. I think it makes the story great that it doesn't include smut, it makes the main focus stronger and doesn't ruin the sweetness of how love could be. More importantly, how I see love.

7. The story was supposed to end with Newt and Ash in collage and run away from their parents because they didn't accept them. I changed that. As a person who loves Romans, I've learned that books sometimes don't end the way you wanted them to, or have an open ending. I used both of these things; an end you can make up and a way you wouldn't like it to go. Plus in my latest book I already did a good end and I had no idea how to write something like that again without it turning into a cliche.

8. This book was supposed to have different POV's, switching between Newt and Ash. But I think I like this better!

9. The father of Ash used to be a lovely man, but after his father treated him badly he got confused in how he was supposed to act, making him so cold hearted. The mother of Ashlynn was the first person he ever felt loved by. After he lost her, he lost his senses, making him the hurtful character you've met.

10. Ashlynn's internalised homophobia was taught by his father. Because he tried to be the son his father wanted, he forgot what he really wanted. Ash also has a hard time with love, as he forgot what love was after his mum died.

11. Ash and newt represent my character.
Ash represents my anxious side. The side that doesn't trust people, get mad easily because he's been filled up with emotions his entire life he just couldn't understand. He also represents my love of rock music and the colour black. The problems with Ash's dad are also inspired by my issues. Ash fear of friendship and denial of love all comes because he has never experienced it after his mum died. His sharp character is build up anger from unsolved issues in his past.
Newt represents my depression.
He's shy, awkward and keeps everything to himself. He loved to be by himself as nobody wants to be around him.
He also represent my taste in music and my like in reading books.
Ash's loud, angry, confused and anxious persona combined with Newt's shy, introvert, creative persona is me.
Honestly seeing you guys get mad at Ash hurts me because Ash is part of me. But who am i to blame you? I get it, Ash is annoying

12. In chapter 21 was a mention of Newt having a scratch back. I didn't explain this: Newt tends to hug himself whenever he's losing himself, and thereby scratches his back really hard. It's some way to relieve stress and pain and sadness.

Those were all the fun facts

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Thank you for everything!
Last one my sweet organisms:
Stay true, be you and spread kindness
-Notsouseless, cuz maybe I'm not so useless after all.

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