Chapter 23

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"Ashlynn! Are you there?" I lifted my head from my hand on where it was resting.

"Good morning Ashlynn. Do you think you can participate in class or do you want to leave?"  I knew leaving meant detention.

"I will pay attention." The teacher nodded and focussed on the next question a student asked.

Damn, I completely zoned out.

"So, has anyone else has a question about the weekend?" The teacher asked when he had answered the other student. Nobody answered the teacher.

"Ok then. You will receive a mail today with further information about Friday. Have a nice day!"

Everyone was hyped about next week; we are going to the beach for a camping week. I looked forward to a little bit distraction. Just me, my friends and the sand between my nuts. I packed my books and stood up from my chair.

"I hope we can decide who we share our cabin with." Owen walked towards me and Elio.

"You only say that because you want to be with Ash so you know you won't get snitched on if you fuck some random girl." Owen nudged Mike in his side, who ran weirdly away with his knees high while making an inhuman chuckling sound.

"I hope so too. I really don't want to be locked into a cabin with some weirdo." I followed Owen and Elio out of the class.

"Says the one who wears black and chains nighty percent of the time." I stuck my tongue out to Owen.

Every year the school organises a trip towards the beach. They would rent some cabins and normally you would share it with one other person. Everyone hopes to be either paired up with someone cool or pick someone they find cool, because you need to spent a week with each other in one room. Boys and girls aren't allowed to be with each other, but I heard that the teachers aren't that strict, so if you make sure you are in your cabin when the teachers check, you're safe. And they only check in the evenings at 10 or something. A lot of students lose their virginity in that week. That week is the one week every student and teacher lets their hair down and do whatever they want. We have a few rules but the one everyone follows is: "Whatever happens at camp, stays at camp."
You can get out of almost everything that happens there, as long if you finish the one assignment that you get.
The teachers that come to the beach are 90% of the time super chill, the teachers that stay at school know that they don't belong there. I think this year the teachers from chemistry and German are coming. I think English and history as well and of course the art, music and drama teachers. I really like that the art teacher is coming. I've been told that she is nuts and especially at that beach. She smokes weed with the students and once even bought condoms for a student. How amazing is that?!

I am going to get the mail with more information about the week later today, but I already know what the assignment is that I have to do and I'm planning to do that at home, so I can be as free as I want at the beach. I have to do an assignment for chemistry; I need to make from sea water, drink water. I am just gonna mix some salt with water and just try to make it drinkable and write the progress down. I mean sea water is just water mixed with salt, so what's the big deal? I at least am going to turn something in, some kids turn nothing in and get a F. I mean I'm probably not getting an A, but a B or C is good enough for me.

"Do you guys have any idea about the activities we're going to do there?"

Mike held up his nose and answered Elio: "I surely hope nothing with sports."

"It's a trip to the beach, of course we're going to do sports." Owen rolled with his eyes "What do you expect? Just sunbathing and sing songs around the fire? It's a school trip, not a girl's day out." Mike slapped Owen's shoulder and made insulting face what made Owen laugh.

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