Chapter 2

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I came downstairs and walked towards the dining table. My dad and Newton were already sitting at the table. I seated myself next to my father, facing Newton. Leslie came from the kitchen with a big pot. She placed it on the table and started to make us plates.

"So, Ash, tell us something about yourself." Leslie asked. I rolled my eyes. Did I really have to talk? I would rather just sit in my room by myself at this moment. And why does she keep calling me Ash?

"It's Ashlynn. What do you want to know?" I asked with an annoyed undertone. I saw in my eye corner that my dad gave me a warning look, but I just ignored it.

"Well, what are your hobbies? Do you have any friends? What's your favourite animal?" I looked at Leslie like she was speaking a weird language. Does she really want to know these kinds of things?

"Well, I guess I like making music and painting. I had friends before my dad decided to move here." Leslie and my dad gave each other some looks. Leslie took a deep breath to let go of her uncomfortableness and turned her attention towards me again:

"So, you like making music?" I nodded. "What instrument do you play?"

"Guitar." I answered shortly.

"Would you like to play me something?" Leslie asked hopeful.

"No." I simply answered, earning an annoyed groan from my dad. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders with an innocent look. My dad answered me with a warning look. I turned back to my food.

"Newt here likes to make music as well." Leslie said. I looked up at "Newt" but I saw that he was just staring blankly into his food. What kind of instrument would he play? I have the feeling he plays in like the school orchestra or something. He's that type that would play horn in the back of the crowd.

"You want to tell us about it, sweetie?" Leslie asked Newton but he just shook his head.

"Hey, you've got a mouth. Speak." I challenged Newton. He looked up with a surprised yet annoyed look. I rested my back against the back of the chair.

"Or are you just really that boring, just like your room." I said with a playful undertone.

"I'm not hungry." Newton got up and just left. What is up with this dude? I really don't like him. He just annoys the hell out of me and we've only known each other for two hours now. He's just so boring and quiet.

"Cut him some slack!" my dad said to me.

"What do you mean?" I argued.

"What do I mean? Look how you just acted!"

"He just can't handle a joke." I said while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"This boy has it just as difficult as you have it. He didn't have to leave his house but he does suddenly have to share his room with a complete stranger. Think about someone else's their emotions for once!"

"I guess it's in the family dad." I got up and left the diner area.

Fucking hypocrite that guy is!
In the hallway I realised that I couldn't be alone, because Newton would be upstairs in our room. Angerly I kicked the umbrella bin and walked out of the house. I slammed the door shut behind me. I need to be out of there. I need to be alone.

I walked around in the forest along the road. The road had some streetlights, but it was still very dark and scary. I walked on firmly not knowing where I was going. Tears started to make my vision blurry.

Fuck my dad. Fuck Leslie. Fuck Newton. Fuck this forest! If mom was here this would've never happened!
Tears started to stream down my face. Fucking hell.

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