Chapter 4

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The following week was difficult. I was trying to find my place in the family and in school. I ignored my dad a lot. I am still mad at him for dragging me along to this hell hole, but it's getting better. Now that I've got to know Leslie I felt more at home. She will defiantly never replace my mum, but she's trying her hardest to make me feel welcomed and I really appreciate that. Unlike my dad, Leslie has a lot of patience and knows how to talk things out. She gives me the time I need to find my place, while my dad just expects me to be her new son and Newton's new brother.
I can talk very well with Leslie. Nothing deep or something, just nice conversations about school or my band. She felt really sorry for me that I had to leave my band and girlfriend, but she assured me that there are a lot of musical people out here and cute girls to date.

I never spoke about Newton with her, like he asked me to. I kept my mouth shut whenever Leslie asked me something. I would always give the same responds: "I don't know. You should ask Newton. I don't stick my nose in other one's business." She understood though.

Newton and I didn't really talk. We cycled to school together and said our goodbyes at the entrance and then we parted our ways. After our conversation on Monday evening I didn't pay much attention to him anymore. I mean, that's what I wanted at least. I just couldn't get him out of my mind. Who are his friends? What does he do? Does he have any hobbies? What classes does he follow? Why is he wearing the same Goddamn clothes every day? I will just shake the questions off and try to focus on school and my friends. Why would I bother about him anyway? It's not like he cares about me. Right?

One night I was sitting on the couch deeply sunken into thoughts about Newton again. I had noticed that he doesn't really talk much. I knew nothing about him. If his mum asked him something, he would give her a small answer like a nod or a "good". Yes and no are the only words in his vocabulary, I guess.

While I was thinking about if he ever talked and what he talked about, I heard a voice behind me:

"Ashlynn, sweetie, are you alright?" I turned around and was faced with Leslie. I nodded and she seated herself besides me.

"What is on your mind?"

"Not much... I was just thinking about Newton."

Leslie looked up surprised: "Why's that?"

"Nah, I was just wondering, is Newton always this quiet?"

Leslie looked down and thought things through: "No... He used to be a very cheerful kid who would tell a lot of stories and had a big fantasy. He played a lot of guitar you know. And he loved to draw. But after he turned 13, he seemed to be less... cheerful. Like he was going through something but didn't want to tell me. He still talked to me and played guitar and stuff, but after you and your father moved in, he became silent.

I wish I could help him. Or that he at least talked to me. About anything!"

I looked at my hands. Newton had changed a lot. I have never seen him smile or talk happy. Always angry or sad. Is this my fault? Could I help?

"I think he just needs to get used to the new situation. Just like you." Leslie assured me and kissed my head and then walked away.

I sighed and walked upstairs. I wanted to get my guitar from the closet so I could play on the porch. When I got into my room, I send a small nod to Newton and picked up my guitar. Before I exit the room, I needed to say one thing to him.

"Talk to your mum."


"She's worried about you. Just talk to her. About anything."

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