Chapter 25

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It comes for everyone. No one lives forever.

So why are we so scared of it? We all know it comes. It's the one thing in life that's certain. You get born and then you die.

People say that you should live like it's your last day. But I wouldn't know what I would do if it was my last day. If you ask people what they would do if it's was their last day on earth, they would answer with the most incredible things like go bungee jumping or swim with sharks. But if you ask me, I honestly would just look for a quiet place where I could die in peace. I don't have to say goodbye to anyone, because no one will miss me. I'm no one's favourite. They would act like they care, they would mourn about me for a month, but after that I'm history. My pictures will end up in the trash and the memory of me will be forgotten.
I would look for a place in the forest underneath a nice tree or in a field. A place where there is no sound of traffic and people, just the wind and animals. Just me and my thoughts and the clouds. When I die, I would take a deep breath and let the darkness finally take me fully.

I think we aren't scared of death. I think we are scared of losing. I think we are scared to lose the people we love. I think we are scared to lose the opportunities to see and do things. Honestly kind of selfish. Think about it; why do you want your mother or father not to die? Because you can't live without them. What about them? Have you ever thought about their happiness? About their health? Their hopes and dreams? I believe if we want to save people, we should listen to what they want, and not to what we want. I know it's very tempting. But look for the positive things they want, and make it happen. I think that's the best way to let a person stay for as long as possible.

Funny how we never think about death until we see or hear something that reminds us to think about it, like a song, a movie or going somewhere. I think we are made scared of death, just like we are made scared of spiders. It does no harm and it's natural, yet we're scared of it.

I do think we are scared of the unknown. I think we are scared of what comes next. Some people say heaven, others say reincarnation. I don't know what to believe. I guess we'll see when the time comes.

Right now, I would say death feels like a deep sleep. Like a dreamless, warm comfortable sleep. I feel like I'm catching up on the sleep I've missed in my entire life! I just never want to wake up. It's so soothing.


Leave me alone, I'm sleeping.


What's that light?

"Are you awake?"

No but I'm going to be if you keep talking like that! What's that warm wet feeling on my forehead?

"Please wake up. I need you."

I need to wake up. He needs me!

More light started to shine on my closed eyelids, creating a colour ballet in my eyes. Slowly I started to squint. The darkness was tempting, but so was the light. More of my senses started to work. I could feel the warm cloth on my forehead and the duvet over me. I could feel a warm hand holding mine. I could smell that familiar smell and hear that familiar voice. The more I heard, tasted, smelled, felt and saw, the more I was tempted to wake up.

"Ash. Please. Get back to me."

I opened my eyes. Light hit me and so a headache followed. Slowly more pain filled my body; my stomach, my back and especially my ankle hurt a lot. When my eyes were finally open and adjusted to the lights, I saw his face. That one face that brought me rest even in the stress fullest days. I looked for his eyes, and when I was finally locked with them, I was home. The home I thought I would never see again. I don't know if it was the pain in my ankle or the happiness, but I started to cry. Small warm tears dropped down on my cheeks.

"Hi dumbass."

Happy new year you absolutely freaks!!
Hope you had a great night. Let's hope for the best in the new year.
I'm glad you survived this year, and I wish you all the strength to go through another year, and I hope you find your true self.
Hope you liked this chapter.
Stay true, be you and spread kindness.
-notsouseless, cuz maybe I'm not so useless after all

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