Chapter 17

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I turned around.

"Ashlynn help me!"

I was stuck in the dark. I looked around. Who was calling me? Where does the voice come from?

"Somebody help me please!"

The desperate call from a woman in need became louder. I need to find her!
With my hands tracing the dark I searched for the woman. Black was all I could see; it felt like it was eating me.

"Ash, please hurry! I am here!" the voice became louder. Right? No, left!

"Hang on! I'm coming!" Where is she? I need to find her!
I traced the dark. Trying to find something to hold. To find something to recognise. Something to make me realise where I was.

A loud bam turned a light on, revealing a woman on the ground. She had brown, long hair, reaching the ground. She sat on her knees and looked down.

"Hello? Are you ok?" I nervously asked while coming closer.

The woman looked up. Two sad brown eyes stared at me. I recognised the eyes.

It was my mother.

"Mum!" I yelled.

"Ash! Come here, fast!"

I started to run, but I didn't get any closer. I need to reach her. I ran and ran. My breath was high in my chest and my heartbeat echoed through my head. My mum kept screaming for help. She looked in pain. Like her life has been ripped out of her. As if there was no tomorrow. Like nothing made any sense.

I fell.

I looked up.

My mum's eyes had gotten bigger and didn't looked directly at me. She was frozen. She didn't even blink!

My mum pointed with her finger: "Ash... Behind you."

I turned around and was faced but nothing but darkness. What was here? I turned around abruptly when I heard a soul breaking scream. The scream of death. The scream of the Devil.

My mum was lying on her face on the ground and something was pulling her with it.

"Ash! Ash help me!"

"I'm coming! Hang on!" I tried to move. I tried to reach her. I tried to help her, I really did, but I couldn't! Something was grabbing my leg and stopping me. I was fighting with something.

"Get off me!" I kicked whatever was holding me.

"Mum!" I yelled as I turned around.

"Ash!" it was soft. Far away. My mum was gone. I failed.

"Mum!" I screamed in the darkness.

I felt a nail scratching my foot. I looked down.

The hand.

I wanted to run away. I couldn't move. Why didn't I move!



I woke up.

Soaking wet from sweat. It was a nightmare. My breath was high in my chest and I could hear and feel my heartbeat in every corner of my body. I sighed and dropped myself on my warm and wet pillow.
Holy fuck, that dream was so intense. I could feel those nails carving in my skin. I could hear the voice of my mum.
I started to tear up. I hope it was the voice of my mum. Honestly I don't even remember how it sounds anymore. I don't remember what she smelled like. I don't remember how her hugs feel. I miss it. Five years is a long time. But still I get chased by the dreams that make me feel like it's my fault that my mum is dead. It isn't, I know that, but that doesn't take the pain away.

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