Chapter 20

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"No Ashlynn, you're not going to school. Look at you! You're as pale as a ghost and your nose is literally dripping right now!" Leslie passed me a tissue so I could blow my nose.
I had woken up the day after the party with a cold, and it didn't go away as fast as I wanted it to go. First it was just a sore throat, but now my nose keeps dripping and I'm shaking from the cold. All I wanted was to go to bed, and I'm happy Leslie told me I could do so.

"I am going to work. Do you think you'll be able to take care of yourself?" Leslie picked up her bag. She is too sweet for me. She cares so much about me! It's just a cold, but she acted like I had a huge fever. I liked her concern better than my dad's lack of care. He just looked at me disgusted and took off to work.

"I can take care of myself, don't worry. I'm not a kid anymore."

"That's true. Ok, well, call me if you need me ok? Newton would be home around 4 PM." I nodded and waved her goodbye.

Back inside I decided to make myself some tea and grab some blankets to install myself on the couch. I turned on the tv and was ready for an entire day of doing nothing. I turned on Netflix decided to watch a new anime show I heard Mike constantly talk about. I don't really like anime that much, but when Mike talked about it, it seemed cool. I will just give it a shot. I have an entire day to kill.  I was around one episode in, when I received a massage from Owen.

"Bro, where the fuck are you and Newt?"

"I am sick at home. Newton is at school, at least that's what I think."

"I haven't seen him.
I don't know what happened at that party Saturday with you and Marin, but she's pissed! The whole girl squad doesn't sit with us anymore and I only talked to Marin once. She wanted to know where you are, and she didn't seem happy."

"Yeah, some shit happened Saturday. We'll talk soon. I just wanna watch Netflix now."

One more thing.
Mike and Elio?
I don't know man.
They again don't talk. We saw them making out and now they don't talk?"

"Just leave it. It will be ok. They're just like girls."

Ait Imma go."


I sighed and put my phone away. I already expected that Marin would be pissed at me. She would probably have killed me if she saw me. I didn't answer any text or calls from her and that kiss... Fucking hell, that kiss. I know I need to explain her why I didn't like that kiss and why it felt wrong, but I don't know how. I don't even understand it myself. All I could think about on that moment were the things that I missed between us, and that I hurt Newton.

Talking about Newton, why isn't he on school?  Well maybe he is on school, but not with the boys. Damn, if that's true I must have really fucked up. But why? What did I do?

I groaned and coughed. I don't need this kind of stress right now. Let's just get some rest first. I lay down on the couch and not long after that I fell asleep.

I woke up around 1 PM, and I noticed that the tv showed a Netflix warning if I was still watching or not. I chuckled to myself; did I just really slept for four hours? Oh well, why not. I got up and coughed pretty badly, making my throat hurt. Who would have thought that such a small drizzle from two days ago can turn you so sick? I got up and walked to the kitchen and poured some water into the kettle for tea. I cleaned my nose and waited for the water to boil. I should eat something, but I don't really want to.

My mum used to make me chicken soup whenever I was feeling ill, and it was a magical medicine. I don't know if it was the chicken, or the spices or the warmth, but it helped me feel better instantly. I never knew how she made her famous chicken soup, but I do know how to make the ones from the stores! I looked in the cabinets, but of course, we didn't have chicken soup. We did have instant noodles. I made those instead and took some fruit and my tea and sat myself down on the couch again. If it was nice weather, I would be outside, but the weather sucks today. Water was pouring from the sky, leaving puddles here and there in the garden. I slurped my noodles and after that I attacked my fruit. I don't know why Leslie had bought pineapple, but I didn't complain. I laid myself into the cushions and took my phone.  I had no notifications, what left me kind of uneasy. Normally, around midday or something, Newton would already send me at least one Giph. Maybe something like a dog smiling or Kermit the frog screaming. Most of the times it were memes and Vines. We both knew them and could laugh really hard about them. Sometimes Newt even send me Giph of the bands that I like. He always manages to make me smile, even with the dumbest and easiest thing. He once made me laugh for an hour because he sent me a picture of a very buff strawberry. It didn't have any sense to it, but I laughed so hard. Things like that makes Newton's and mines bond so strong; we enjoy the easiest things together. We don't need a lot to be happy.

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