Chapter 6

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I ran towards the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I leaned on the sink and looked down. My breath was high in my chest. Why do I have a boner? There was nothing to be turned on about. Unless... I liked the idea of- NO!

I looked at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. I was pale.
Did I get a boner from thinking about getting a blowjob by a man?! It couldn't be right? What else?
I was craving in my memory trying to figure out what had turned me on. Mike talked about Sophie, but I was zoning out during that.

I splashed some cold water in my face. I need to wake up. Whatever happened, happened. Now what? My dick is still hard. I sat myself down and started to jerk off. I closed my eyes.

The scene came back:

Me below a man. The man now jerking me off. The car was in a parking lot of a drive-in movie. The man was placing kisses in my neck and I leaned against the window. Suddenly his face changed; his dark hair turned blond and was messy. His skin became paler. His face became smaller with a sharper cheek bone. He got freckles and his lips turned pinker and plumper. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, they were blue. Deep blue. Just like-

"Newton." I moaned. I stopped what I was doing and slapped my hand in front of my mouth.

What the actual fuck. What did I just say?! Why did I say fucking Newton? Why did I imagined that Newton was jerking me off? I sat there in shock staring at the wall.


Apparently, luck was not by my side today; I had forgotten to lock the door and someone came in.  I started straight into the blue eyes from the one and only; Newton Fromer. Can this day get any worse?!

After five seconds staring at each other he closed the door and walked away. I looked down and placed my head in my hands. From anyone that could walk in, it had to be Newton. Right after I fantasized about hi-

FUCK! Did he hear me saying his name?

I got up and zipped up my jeans. I walked out of the bathroom. I headed towards our room. I wanted to knock, but I hesitated. While I was overthinking, I heard soft sobs. Newton was crying. I did this. I shouldn't go in.

I went to the garden and spent my day with the boys like nothing happened.

"Ey bro." Mike said while looking up from his phone. "Marin is throwing a party tonight. Let's go alright?" The boys were getting excited and said that they had to leave so they could get ready.

I need to get ready too, meaning I need to go to my room. Where Newton would be...
I took a deep breath and walked into our room. Newton was sitting on his bed reading. I opened the closet and looked through it.

"Where you going?" Newton asked me. I didn't care looking at him:

"To a party."

"No, not again." He said annoyed and he placed his book down on his lap.

"What's your deal?" I said, finally turning around and facing him.

"I'm sick of you getting home drunk! You smell like shit and you wake me up!"

"Aw, boehoe." I fake cried. "It's not my problem you never go out!"

"I do go out!" he defended himself. I laughed and turned my back at him.

"Yeah to the library. Woehoe!" I cheered sarcastically. I got pushed in my back. I turned around and was faced with a fuming Newton.

"Shut up! Why you always have to comment on the things I like to do?"

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