Chapter 24

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"Dude, where did you took off to last night? I was worried sick!" Owen was scolding in my ear the entire morning while I tried to deal with my hangover.

"Dude shut up will ya? I was with a girl."

"A girl?" Owen smirked and Elio came closer to hear my story too. Mike seemed confused and disapproving. I knew why.

"It was nothing, she isn't even here now so shut up. It was a quick fix, nothing special." Elio and Owen seemed satisfied, but when they left the living area of Elio's cabin, Mike came towards me.


"I don't know."

"Stop lying to yourself Ash."

"Mind your own business Mike."

"Just trying to help."

"Well I'm not asking for your help, am I?" I scoffed. Mike looked hurt and walked away. I let myself fall into the pillows of the couch.

Why do I hurt everyone?

Rumours spread fast in a camp, and it didn't take me long to find out that some guy had a threesome and other girl were doing lesbian shit. I kept on being informed by the weirdest stories and eventually my headache decided it was enough. I didn't need to hear about some guy who I never talked with, fucked a girl in a restroom and then later fucked her friend and that the friend and the girl started to do it in front of the guy. Why would I care?

I went back to my own cabin and was met with Newton reading on his bed.

Without looking up he asked: "Had fun yesterday?" he sounded cold.

"No. You?" he didn't answer my question but instead looked up with an angry confused face.

"What do you mean 'no'. You fucked some random girl!"

"So? That didn't turn my whole night amazing." Newt scoffed and went back to reading again.

"And you? What did you do?"

"What do you think I've done, Ashlynn." He argued in sarcasm.

"Not have sex at least." He tightened his grip around the book and got up. In quick steps he was so close to me that I felt his breath on my skin.

"I didn't have sex, but I don't go around putting my dick in everything that is alive. And I had at least fun last night." With that he walked away. I sighted and dropped myself face first into my mattress. I regretted fucking that girl so much. It was fun I guess for like two seconds but that was it. I thought about what an old Greek philosopher believed. His name was Epicurus. He believed that the way of good living came from pleasure. He believed that austerity, self-reliance, justice and friendship were the key for a good life. You did things that will give pleasure in long terms. Take sex for example, like I had; it gave me pleasure in short term, but pain in long term. Epicurus believed that you could better first go through pain if it later gave pleasure. Now I get his way of thinking. I had pleasure at the moment of being with that girl, but now I am filled with regret.
I turned my head and looked over at Newt's night stand. A book from astronomy was lying there. He must went stargazing last night. Desire filled me; how much would I have given to not have fucked that girl and to just went home when I had my chance. Then I would probably have a chance of watching the stars with my favourite person.

"Hey Ash. We're all going to the beach again. Almost everyone from the class is coming. You too?" Mike stood into the doorway. I groaned and turned on my back and placed my arm over my eyes.

Mike sat himself on my bed: "I talked with Newt when I saw him coming out of your cabin. He isn't happy with what you did yesterday."

"Same." I just answered coldly.

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