Chapter 16

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"You want the chocolate cereal or the normal one?"

"We've had a rough couple of days. We deserve something."

"Chocolate it is." I put some cereal in the two bowls for Newt and me and after that I added milk. Mike and I had a huge discussion a few days ago about if you put the milk in first or the cereal. Owen and Elio actually had to step in to make sure we wouldn't throw hands. Mike is sometimes easily offended by stuff. Luckily Newt and I have the same way of making cereal, otherwise that would be another thing we would've argued about. I looked over at Newt; he was packing us some sandwiches and something to drink. He added an apple for himself with it. I like fruit, but not to school. It would probably ended up getting mushed underneath my books or completely getting forgotten about. One tip, never take a banana to school. If it gets mushed, you are fucked up. I swear; that smell does not go away as easily as you might think it would. Same as milk. Yuck.

I placed our bowls down and we started to eat in a peaceful silence. After we were done eating, we finished our morning routine and then took off to school, after sending a quick goodbye to Leslie and my dad.

We were cycling in silence next to each other, but after a few minutes I grinned: "Wanna race?" Newton didn't give a verbal answer, but picked up his speed none the less. We raced to school. I was winning! I looked back; Newt didn't seem to be happy. Am I going to win this? Or should I let him win this? My kindness took over me and I lowered my speed, making Newton pass me with ease. Suddenly, he started to race and he shoot towards school, winning the race with a huge advantage.

"You cheated!" I panted.

"Nope, you just suck!" Newt said innocently. I smirked and give him a small push with my elbow in his side. We walked the school in together, but for the first time, I stayed by his side while he went to his locker.

"You're coming to mine?" Newton looked shocked that I actually asked him to join me, but gave in with a smile. We walked towards my locker and I started to put my stuff in it.

"What do you have first period?" I asked.

"Biology." he hummed. I hate biology. I just can't look at it without getting nauseated. I remembered one time I had to dissect a fish head. I ran out of the class and didn't return the whole period. That was the moment I realised that maybe I shouldn't become a doctor like how I wanted to.

"Why are you looking like that?" Newt laughed.

"Why do you even want to follow that class."

"I do it for the nature part. Like to know how the food chain works and about plants and animals. I love nature, but I don't like the human talk. Like we are now looking further into sexual education. More then other students without biology would do, and it's so uncomfortable." I saw that Newton shook away the Goosebumps that were created thinking about it. I chuckled from the inside.

"So you like nature?"

"Yeah. I would love to help the ocean or something. Making the world a better place for the animals, as we took it from them."

"Then why aren't you working at the animal rescue in town?" I asked curiously while closing my locker.

Newton thought this through: "I guess I am just too socially awkward for that."

I laughed: "Dogs can't judge you!"

"Well they can bite!" we laughed. I looked at Newton's smiley face. Adorable. Wait, did I just call my stepbrother adorable? Yeah, well he is! His dimples and his laugh are just to awe for. I never want to see his smile fade!

The Stepbrother [BXB]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora