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"Hi Si-Si," Akia says to me.  "Long time no see. How have you been?"

"I've been...alright," I respond.

"Huh? Has someone been bothering you?"

"She won't be a problem anymore." That makes her smile. "Believe me Akia, I can take care of my own problems now."

"Okay. Just know that I'll always be there protect you."

"I know." Akia, or known to some as the Lumiose Ghost Girl, is my cousin, though she's more like a sister. I grew up with her and whenever someone messed with me, she was right there keeping me safe. Most of the time, at least. When I was eight, she's three years older than me, Akia was sent away. About a year or two later, was my trial and I was sent to a mental hospital in Lumiose City that everyone calls The Institute. That's where I finally saw Akia again.

Akia became the Lumiose Ghost Girl for one simple reason: she wanted to. She loves messing with people's heads and pretending to be a ghost is the perfect way to do so. As a young girl, she wanted to be a dancer so her graceful movements make it seem as if she's floating on air. She has a bit of a tan now, though. You can't really fool people into thinking you're a ghost with a tan. I wonder if she's still the ghost girl.

"I'm not," she says with a huge smile. I miss her doing that. Akia's always been amazing at reading facial expressions. So good, in fact, it makes her seem like she's a mind reader.

"Then what do you do?" She grins once more.

"I think it'd be best to show you!" She goes over to the wall and presses an ear to it.

"What are you-"

She's speaks in an eerie, haunting voice. "...Don't talk to me... If you do, I won't... hear the elevator..." I  smile, almost laugh. She stands there silent and creepily still. I guess she is, well was, the Lumiose Ghost Girl.

"Alright let's go," she finally announces. Her normal talking voice had returned. She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room. We walk quickly to the back of the floor where there is a flight of stairs. "Follow me my dear cousin!" I do as told and run with her down the steps. Averie follows behind. I'm not holding her so I won't accidentally drop her.

"So, who is this," Akia asks, pointing to my Eevee. We've left the hotel by now. I wonder if that maid is looking for me... Oh well!

"This is Averie. Say hi Averie." Averie yips which I'll have to take as saying hello.

"She's cute," Akia says with a smile. "How long has have you had her?"

"About five days. I'm not training her though."

"Yeah, I kind of figured. You were never really into battles. Don't you wanna be a movie star?"

"I'm not so sure. It's something that's always interested me." Averie yips happily. I guess she thinks acting is a good idea.

We follow Akia to the Laverre Nature Trail.  This was our favorite place to play when we stayed at The Institute. We had to sneak out, so we could only play for about thirty minutes, but it was still fun. Looking at the playground now, however, it doesn't look very enjoyable.

It's fallen into destitution. The swings are either completely gone or ripped from the rusted chains. The slide is filled with holes and and very rickety. The sand pit is nothing more than a large hole.

"Sad isn't it," Akia says as we walk past the absolved playground. "Kids just don't go to playgrounds like they used to." I nod to that. Of the six cities in Kalos I've been to, this is the only playground I've seen.

I pick Averie up and set get on my shoulder as we begin to walk onto a familiar, unbeaten path. We found it in order to avoid the murky waters. We ease down a narrow strip of land and jump onto a log. I'm honestly surprised it's still here. We jump across stumps and logs and rocks the rest of the way until we reach a  small, old house.

We go into the barely lit house. I see someone sitting in a chair next to a lamp reading a book. It's a boy, with chin length black hair. His eyes are a rusty brown color, the rest of his face bears an unreadable expression. At his feet sits a very powerful looking male Persian. I squint my eyes. He looks very familiar. Then, I finally know.

"KC? It's that you?" The boy's eyes light up with recognition.

"Sienna," is all he says, as if confirming who I am. KC, most people called him KC Black, is my friend from The Institute. If you ask me, KC wouldn't have been there. He's what they call schizoid, but to me, he's just very, very antisocial. He also doesn't talk much. Actually, in my many years of knowing him, this is maybe the fourth or fifth time I've heard him say anything.

"KC," Akia says. "Come with us to Laverre!" He just looks at her. "Oh come on KC! It'll be fun! Well get to spend time with Si-Si!" He shakes his head and resumes reading.

Akia frowns. "I'll call your real name of you don't come on." That gets him going. He's up and walking towards us in no time, his Persian not far behind. I don't blame him for moving so fast. I believe his name is the most embarrassing in history.

We arrive in Laverre City and go straight to the gym. I've never been to the Laverre City Gym before. I've never even met the gym leader. The inside of the gym reminds me of an elegant dollhouse. Except, it's only one room. The only thing I see is a reception desk and done glowing circular tiles. Akia goes up to the desk.

"Hello Akia," the receptionist greets her. "Do you need anything?"

"Do you know what room Valerie is in?"

"Oh, um...it appears she's in the dining room. Is that all?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Akia leads us to the back corner if the room where one of the glowing tiles are. We step on it and are transported to what looks like a living room.

"Warp panel," Akia says, reading the confused expression on my face. A few more of these 'warp panels' later and we're in the dining room. At the table sits a beautiful dark haired young woman dressed in very elegant  clothing. The sleeves on her dress resemble wings, or Audino ears but I think she was going for wings.

"Hello Akia, KC, Persian," she says in a refined voice. "Who is your friend?"

"This is my cousin, Sienna. Remember, I was telling you about her."

"Oh yes. Sienna Glaçon. Akia has told me much about you. Many good things of course." She says it in a very friendly voice. I look to Akia.

"You can trust her," Akia says nicely. Alright. If Akia says so, then I can.

"You know, Sienna, you are very similar to me: Misunderstood. I understand how it is to feel as though the world against you." I tilt my head. Never has an adult, the people who are the worst offenders of making me an outcast, said anything like this to me. This makes me skeptical.

"And what have you experienced to make you feel that way." She smiles sweetly. Not a bit of insincerity that I can see.

"Here, I shall make us some tea. It would appear as though we have quite a bit to discuss."

- - - - - - - - - -

I wanna thank my buddy KuroKitKat for his O.C., KC. (If anyone else wants an O.C. in here, feel free to say so.)

And I wanna thank you guys for reading this fillerish chapter! You guys are awesome and should keep reading cuz that would make my day! (Voting and commenting would too but, meh. No pressure.)

P.S. In case you were wondering, KC stands for kitty cat! So yes, his full name is Kitty Cat Black. That's an actual crayon color (or at least it used to be). Look it up!

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