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Malachi's P.O.V.

Man, I'm pissed. Russet really knows how to get on my bad side. It's bad enough he's angry with Perry, now he's attacking me too. I'm not even the root of the problem. No, it's that damned Ferroseed.

"Eevee," I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Sienna. She's standing there with her Eevee in her arms and a bored expression. I can see why Russet's into her. She's kinda pretty. A little too pale for my liking, but still.

"Hey Sienna," I say quickly. I keep waking just as fast. Why's she following me anyway?

"Cerise asked me to follow you," she says. Figures. Sienna keeps talking."I guess to make sure you're okay? Are you?"

"Not one bit," I mutter. "Not even close to okay."

"Is it because of Russet?"

"He's part of the reason."

"Then what is the main reason?"

"You'll see if you keep following me." She does keep following me. I don't really know which way to go but her Eevee helps. It already knows where I'm trying to go.

We finally arrive to where I want to be: that spot where we found Jasper and Perry. I know because there's a dark red shape in the ground obviously from Jasper's blood.

"So why are we here," she asks. I don't respond. It should be obvious. I look around before I remember the it's on the ceiling. I look up and see it. That damn Ferroseed. It has bright red spots on its metallic body. Blood. I pick up a rock and glare at the steel type before throwing my rock full force. The Pokémon falls to the ground hard. Good. I hope it hurt.

"What are you about to do," Sienna asks. She doesn't sound too entirely concerned. Good. Maybe she will understand why I'm about to do what I am.

"This is the real reason why Jasper is in the hospital and Peridot is close to a mental breakdown. Not some stupid argument. This is the real reason!" I'm trying hard not to yell, but just looking at this thing is making me angry. I hope Sienna understands I'm not upset with her.

"You shouldn't blame Ferroseed," she says in a pitiful attempt to calm me down. Once I'm mad, I can't control myself. She needs to shut up now. "Maybe it couldn't help that it fell."

I clench my teeth. That's true. Ferroseed fall when it feels the vibrations of someone or something below it. I don't say that though. I'm angry and need to take it out on something. "None of the other ones fell, so I'm positive it could!" Fed up, I kick the Pokémon into a wall, creating a huge indentation in it. Sienna flinches and her Pokémon cowers behind her. I walk over to the Ferroseed.

"Malachi," she begins in a nervous voice, "you shouldn't take out your frustration on a little Pokémon. It couldn't-"

I interrupt her before she can finish. "Why not when it's the fucking reason." I kick the Pokémon again. I know Ferroseed isn't the reason, but I can't help it. I hate to see Perry like this, Jasper too. I need to take my anger out on something and Ferroseed is my target.

"Malachi, stop abusing this Pokémon," Sienna says even more nervously than before. "It hasn't done anything wrong."

"Yes it has," I almost yell while kicking again. "It's done everything wrong!"

"No. If anything, you're the one who's doing something wrong."

"Sienna, shut up," I say while kicking Ferroseed again.

"Malachi, listen to-"

"I said shut up!" I yell as I kick Ferroseed once more. This time however, it doesn't crash into one of the walls I've been kicking it into. It instead flies right next to Sienna and her Eevee. Ah shit, I didn't try to do that.

"Sorry about that," I say sounding angrier than intended. She didn't respond. She's just... staring at me. There's a far away look in her eye, like she's not here right now. Her eyes are wide. She's breathing hard and shaking. Did I trigger some kind of flashback or something?

I try again, this time waking over towards her. "Hey, I'm sorry. I got more upset than I should've." She still doesn't respond. She just calmly sets her Eevee down and picks up Ferroseed. She doesn't look at me. She's upset about Ferroseed; that must be it. Just as I'm going over to apologize again, she jumps up and slashes me across the face with the dual typed Pokémon. I stumble back and raise my hand to my face. I only have enough time to feel the warmth of blood before she slashes at me again. This time I manage to dodge and get behind her.

"Sienna," I say. "What's your-" I cut myself with a loud yell. I feel something sharp in my stomach. It's a Ferroseed spike. I reach for the wound just as Sienna turns around and stabs me again, this time in a different place. I scream again. I reel over and she slashes again only to come in contact with my head. I collapse on the ground. She leans over me and tries to stab me again. I kick my feet up in an attempt to stop her. With my free hand, I reach for my Pokémon. Wait. Dammit, I left them at the center! And this girl doesn't seem like she's giving up anytime soon. I try to kick her off but she doesn't even look affected. Damn, how strong is she?

She slashes down; I try to grab the Ferroseed from her and yelp when a spike on its body pierces my hand. How the heck is she holding onto this thing so easily?! I can even see some blood from her own hand dripping down the Ferroseed. I clench my teeth and try not to focus on the pain. Instead I focus on trying to stop this girl from killing me. I try to yank the Pokémon out of her hand but she holds her grip and pulls it out of mine instead. Screeching as the spike rips out of my hand, I scramble to my feet while she's getting a better grip on the Ferroseed.

Once I'm up, she is to. She's still breathing hard, but I don't believe it's from exhaustion. I take my eyes off of her for a quick second examine the wounds in my stomach, when my head collides with the Pokémon's body. I hit the ground hard, my shoulder and arm cracking, my head whipping with the force. I cry out, my head spinning and throbbing in pain. I look up, eyes unfocused and blurry. I find brown eyes. Dark brown eyes wild and crazed and filled with... with I don't know. Anger? Hated? Exhaustion? Pain? They look so far away. It's like-

My thoughts are cut off by a piercing pain in my stomach. Sienna stabs me again in the exact same spot. And again, in the same spot, making the wound deeper and deeper. And she keeps going, deeper and deeper and deeper. Dear Arceus, how much deeper can she go? I can hear her yelping with each motion. It's high pitched and painful to hear. I start coughin', making my head skin even more. Warmth fills my mouth, followed by something that tastes like metal. Blood, I'm sure. A li'l bit of it drips from my mouth. I'm still coughin'. It sprays from my mouth. It's red. It's def'nit'ly blood. It's starting to get really dark. Really dark. It's gettin' real dark. I gotta be dyin'.

No... I don' wanna die. No not yet. Not when Perry needs me. I wanna be there for 'im. I told 'im: "I'll be there for ya now." "I'll be a good brother now." "I love ya now." I told 'im all that, but looks like I lied to 'im again. I told 'im I wouldn't. I did anyway.

"I'm sorry."

It hurts so much. So so much. An' it's gettin' cold. I'm gettin' cold. I don' like the cold. It's getting so hard to breathe. And she's still stabbin' me. Why can't I jus' black out already. It hurts so much. It hurts so much. Why can't she jus' stop? Please... It hurts so much. Why can't I just die? Why...can't I jus' die... It hurts... so... much. . .

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