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My plan worked, covering up for Jasper and Peridot. I told their parents that they had gone ahead to Snowbelle because Peridot wanted to see one last city before he went home. Jasper's mother didn't seem to care, unlike Peridot's. She actually wasn't put at ease until I told her how nice the gym leader there is. Never have I told a bigger lie in my life. I don't think any of the parents knew about the bridge. If they had, I don't think they would've been that happy.

It's been a full day since then. Now we're in Snowbelle City. When we got here, I wasn't surprised by the freezing temperatures. They were familiar. Not comforting, but familiar. I hate that. I was cold, but I wasn't. It's strange how that works.

Right now, Cerise and Russet are planning to go to the gym. Jasper and Peridot are coming too but then are headed to the forest. Something about evolving Alyssa or whatever Peridot's Eevee is named.

Me? I'm preparing too. I got a knife just for him. It's just a pocket knife, a smooth baby blue blade and a snow white handle with pictures of Snover, but it'll get the job done. Besides, I've come to realize stabbing is my preferred method. It's personal, intimate even. It's painful and slow. It's perfect. I put the blade in my pants pocket and turn my attention to Averie. She tilts her head. I pick her up and rub the top of her head. She wags her tail and yips in happiness.

"Don't worry, Averie," I say to her. "It'll all be over soon. Real soon. I promise." She looks at me quizzically. Her tail slowly stops wagging. Maybe she realizes what's going on; she does looks very concerned. I set her down on my bed.

"Hey Sienna," Cerise says while walking into the room. "You ready?" Am I? I have to be. This may be my only charge. This is my only chance. I can't back out now.

"Yeah, I am." I slip on my Eevee hoodie. I laugh a little thinking about how he'll react. He hates Eevee. Averie jumps into my arms and I follow Cerise out.

Cerise talks strategy with Russet. I hate it. Of course she would be so serious when it came to him. He's the region's best, most amazing gym leader. Lies. They're just lies and nothing more.

There is a boy standing at the door of the gym. I can't see his face, he's looking on the inside of the gym. Despite the cold and snow, he's wearing his light colored jacket like a cape. I pause. He's most definitely related to me. The only people I knew who where their jackets like that are people in my family. Them and people who want to be cool. Wearing your jacket like a cape isn't cool. It's cold. Freezing cold.

Not only the jacket, but also his hair cues me in. It's exactly, or almost at least, like mine: dark reddish-brown and wavy. It stands out against his pale skin. Pallid would probably be more appropriate. He's about the same height as me; maybe he's one of my older cousins? None of them but Akia were around my age. There's a backpack in his hand. As we get closer, he turns and I freeze. His eyes are green and gray. Pale green mixed with pale gray.

"Sage," I say breathlessly. It's Sage. It's Sage and his sage green eyes. His innocent, broken, confused eyes.

"Who..." He trails off.

"Sienna," I answer.

"So-WHAT?!" His eyes widen in confusion. "How are you..." He frowns and looks at the rest of the group. "Why..." He groans in frustration. "Where are you...going?" He forces the last word out.

"Nice to see you too," I mutter.

"Why would I..." Sage trails off again and looks over each person in my group. He stops at Jasper, earning a strange look from the short boy. Like a look of recognition.

"You're..." Sage, again, trails off. Man, does he ever finish his sentences?

"J...Jasper." Said boy doesn't sound too sure. Sage looks as if he wanted to say more but doesn't. Instead, he turns to Cerise and Russet.

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