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It's been about three days since Valerie and Cerise's battle and I still do not understand what Valerie meant by her cryptic comment. We just arrived in Dendemill earlier this morning. I hate it already. It's too cold. I hate the cold. Strange things happen to me when it gets cold. I start to forget where I am and just...it's confusing.

To make matters worse, Peridot wants to go to Frost Cavern to evolve Malicai's Eevee into a Glaceon, which is where we are headed to now. Honestly I would have liked to have stayed behind but they weren't having for it.

Cerise expresses my thoughts. "Why do you wanna do that, Perry?" If you ask me, she isn't dressed for this weather. Yes, I understand that the dress is also a coat but her legs must be freezing. I don't care that she's wearing tights. It's below freezing out here; tights can only do so much.

Peridot is holding onto the Eevee, Lumi, similarly to how I'm holding onto Averie. "Malachi told me that he always wanted a Glaceon but we couldn't do that cuz we lived in Johto. Since we're here where an ice rock is, I want to do it for him."

"Aww, well that's sweet of you!" Hmph. If you ask me, Malachi should evolve his own Pokémon. Oh wait, he can't. My bad.

"Hey, there it is," Peridot calls. The cave entrance is what he means. True to his word there it is, a wide gaping hole on the rock face. We go in and-

"Take it Sienna! You're stronger than this! It only gets worse from here." That voice. That voice! Please, why can't you just leave me alone!

"I can't do it!" I'm crying but the tears aren't falling down. Instead there being pushed back by the strong, biting wind. "Please stop! It's too cold!"

"You're weak Sienna," he growls but doesn't stop the attack. "You don't deserve to be the heir!" I don't want to be anyway! But I can't say that. He'll-

"Sienna! Are you okay," a voice, Russet's, says to me. His dark eyes are full of concern. Something wiggles in my arms: Averie. I suppose I do have a Guillotine grip on her. I loosen my grasp and she turns to stare at me with wide brown eyes.

"I'm just fine," I say after a second of silence. "The coldness just took me a little off guard."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." He doesn't look convinced, but he drops the conversation. The five of us trudge forward, adjusting across a few patches of ice along the way. The deeper we go, the more ice there seems to be. I probably should be paying more-

"Pathetic," that man yells at me. A baby could walk across this with no trouble. I just slipped on the ice and now my butt hurts.

"Can we please go home now? I'm tired." And sore. And hungry. And depressed.

"Not until you can walk across this ice in your sleep! Now get up Sienna! Right now, still complaining!" I go to stand but my ankle hurts to badly and I fall back down. Cold grayish-green eyes glare threateningly at me.

"Sienna! I said get up right-"

"Sienna!" It's a different voice. Cerise, this time. "You okay? That was a pretty bad fall. Nothing hurt, is it?"

"No I'm good. Just want paying attention." I get up in an instinctively unique way: jumping. I hop straight from a sitting position to my feet in one quick movement. Like I said, instinctively. Or maybe the correct emphasis would be unique.

The others take note of my strange way of standing. "That was actually pretty cool," Jasper says nonchalantly, though you could tell he was very impressed.

"How the hell did you do that," Cerise exclaims more than asks. "If I woulda tried that, I probably would have killed myself!"

"Instinct," I mutter. I guess instinctive was the right word to emphasize. "Come on. Let's just hurry so we can get out of this cave." Without another word, thankfully, we set off. I really do not want to share my childhood endeavors with these people.

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