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Psychic sends out a male Absol named Savior. "You know, it's illegal what you're doing."

Olympia smiles eerily. "It's not illegal. It's simply part of my gym. I can't control it." Psychic crosses her arms, unbelieving of Olympia's claims. I wonder what she's talking about.

"Sienna," Psychic says while looking back to me. "Do you see what Ms. Étoile is standing on? That spinning pinkish and circle?" I nod. "Do you know of the attack Gravity?" I nod once more... Does she mean that the glowing circle is the attack Gravity? Psychic nods as if confirming this. I wait for her to say more. She doesn't. Does she mean that one of her Pokémon were inhibited by Gravity? But none her Pokémon are Flying types.

As if reading my mind, Psychic answers me. "Yes, but Sandstorm has the ability Levitate." Oh. Wait, that is illegal. A gym leader isn't allowed to install features in their gym to give them an unfair advantage. In Kalos at least.

"Exactly," Psychic mumbles. Wait, was she responding to me? "Anyway. . ." She lifts up her light colored shirt slightly to show her belt. On the buckle is a Keystone. She presses it, causing Savior and the stone to shine a bright pink, purple, and white. When the bright lights fade, Mega Absol stands in place of the regular.

"Slowking," Olympia says, "use Yawn."

"Savior, close your eyes and cover your ears." Savior does as told and doesn't begin to yawn like her other Pokémon. Olympia raises an eyebrow at this.

"Didn't they ban strategies like this in Kalos," she states more than asks. Psychic smiles sweetly.

"I'm only making this a fair fight. Now, Savior, use Hone Claws." Savior's claws begin to glow white and he starts to scratch the battlefield. As he does, the sound gets progressively sharper, almost metallic.

"Use Earthquake, Slowking."

"Sucker Punch!" Just as Slowking prepares to stop, he appears to freeze in place. Savior runs up to him, paw glowing a purplish color, and side swipes the dual type. Slowking falls to the ground, Earthquake seemingly been stopped. Psychic used this to get advantage.

"Night Slash!" Savior's claws glow again, this time indigo, and he repeatedly slashes Slowking. With his increased attack power from not only Hone Claws, but also his Mega Evolution, Slowking is knocked out within seconds.

"Slowking is unable to battle," the referee declares. "Absol is the winner."

"Last Pokémon, Ms. Étoile," Psychic says cheerfully. "Who's it gonna be." Without a word, Olympia sends out a Malamar. Psychic frowns.

"Hypnosis," Olympia calls.

"Avoid it." Savior does so easily. "Now use. . . Stone Edge!" Savior digs his claws into the field and barks loudly. When he does, sharp rocks shoot up at Malamar's feet, injuring her.

"Malamar use Swagger." A crimson aura outlines Malamar and she smirks confidently. A similar aura comes over Savior but is darker and seems to not only confuse him, but also weaken him.

"Contrary," Psychic states. "Well isn't this just great... Savior, try another Stone Edge." Savior attempts to perform the move a second time, but ends up digging into his own paw due to confusion.

"Finish Malamar. Use Superpower!"

"Dodge it Savior!" Savior tries to dodge, but trips up due to his status. Malamar becomes surrounded in a light blue aura before hitting Savior full force with the super-effective attack.

"Absol is unable to battle. Malamar is the winner."

"Last Pokémon, Ms. Mewn," Olympia says in an imitation of Psychic.

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