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Jasper's P.O.V.

"Jazz, aren't you gonna be cold," Peridot asks me. I get why he's probably worried 'bout me. I'm only wearin' a jacket and a hat. But I'm always wearin' a hat so I guess that doesn't count.

"I'll be fine Perry," I say. "I'm used to it." I frown after I say that. I don't like thinkin' 'bout livin' in Snowpoint City. I hated it.

I look over to Peridot. Dammit, he looks kinda sad. Ever since I got hurt 'bout a week or two ago he's been this way. Damn you Russet. Why'd you have to go and try to blame it on him anyway?

"Hey, if it makes you feel better, I'll at least put on a coat," I say with a smile. I've been told by a lot of people, including Perry, that they like it when I smile. Not that I do it much.

"You look really good when you smile." ...Why'd you hafta say that? How do I even respond to that? I guess I should probably thank him...

"Um, thanks Perry," I say quietly while turning away from him. I'm not embarrassed so I don't exactly know why I'm blushing. I wonder can you blush cuz you like somebody? If you can then that explains a lot.

I search my backpack for a coat to put on. I know he didn't say it'd make him feel better but I know it will. He's always looking out for me. I find the black one I bought in La Fear City, or whatever it's called, a few days ago and pull onto myself. I look at Peridot who's putting a lime green scarf on. Besides the scarf, he looks like a giant orange and blue ball. Looking at him right now,  I can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny," he asks. But cuz his scarf covers his mouth, I can barely hear him.

"Nuthin'. You must really don't like the cold, huh?"

He shakes his head. "Nope! I hate it." I can understand why. He is from a city that was right next to the ocean. Olivine City, Johto. He told me it was always nice and warm there and the sun was always shining.

Me, well the cold's never really bothered me. It was always cold in Snowpoint, most of Sinnoh really, so I just got used to it. The heat never really bothered me either. I found that out when I was in 1st grade and we took a field trip to Sunnyshore City. It was pretty hot and everyone was sweating a lot but me. Guess I'm not really affected by weather.

"Okay, I'm ready," Perry says after he puts on his backpack. I nod and the two of us leave the room. We check out of the Center and start walking to that gate thingy. The older kids are already there. Me and Perry overslept so they got ready and left before us.

"Come on guys," Peridot says once we get there. He doesn't sound too eager to be going. I guess he doesn't wanna go out in the snow. "Let's get to Anistar City before it gets too dark."  I'm sure no one else noticed Russet scoff. He doesn't like Peridot. He's never liked him and I hate that. How could you not like Perry?!

"He's right," Cerise exclaims. I remember this girl who challenged the Snowpoint gym who wore a coat like the one she's wearin'. She went on to win the Pokémon League."Maybe we'll make it in time to challenge the gym leader!"

"Then let's go people," Russet mutters. I glare art him but still follow them onto Route 19. Or was it eighteen? Might've been sixteen...

We go down this little slope and see six Mamoswine. Yesterday we decided that we're only gonna use two: one for the older kids and another one for me and Perry. I'm really happy with that set up.

We choose the first two we get to. "How do you get on top of this thing," Cerise asks.  I remember how to. They showed us how to when I was in preschool. You get up on one of the tusk and feel around for this hole thing on its leg or shoulder or whatever part of its body it is. Then after you find that you put your foot on the one right under it. Finally, you pull yourself up. I know it's sposed to be some more steps to make it easier, but I'm impatient.

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