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He's leading me to the office underneath the battlefield. It's essentially where he takes care of his 'political' business.

I could try now. I could take this knife and stab him at the base of his spine. Then I could slit his throat and it'd be over just like that. In fact, I'll do just that. I slide the pocket knife down into my hand and-

"Ee~v" I look behind me to see Averie walking slowly, almost stalking. I'm surprised she's still here. I would've bet money she would leave. Maybe she's scared she'll get lost. Probably not. Who knows why she decided to stay.

I turn back to the front. Dammit! Wulfric's looking at me! Averie got his attention. Ugh, Averie can't you see I'm trying to kill my grandfather!

Wulfric and I make eye contact for a split second before I look away. My eyes go up to the platform gym trainers stand on. Someone's watching me, though I can only barely see them. They have copper colored hair, so we're not blood related. I don't know why, but everyone who has a blood relation to Wulfric has dark reddish-brown hair. It's strange really.

Mmm, if I would've attacked Wulfric right then, they probably would've jumped in to help. Did Averie realize that? Either way, I must admit she helped me out there.

"Sienna," Wulfric says. "Walk in front of me."

"No," I respond simply.

"That wasn't a suggestion."

"I'd prefer to keep an eye on you." I learned at a young age that it's best to be direct when talking to this man.

He looks back at me. The sly smile he wears let's me know he's expecting me to attack, and he already has countermeasures set into play. His response of 'as you wish' only solidifies my suspicions.

We reach the office. I'm surprised he allows me to come in after him. Averie stalks and stands slightly in front of me, her body tensed, aura uneasy. It's unnerving, really, how much her demeanor has changed. Instead of being a sweet, relaxed little Eevee, she seems almost aggressive. I wonder what's changed her attitude so much.

"Sienna, take a seat." I look at him. Does he really expect me to sit down? He has to be out of his mind. "That wasn't a suggestion."

"You don't have jurisdiction over me," is all I can think to say.

He gives a low grumbling laugh. "But I do and you know it better than me. However, I don't have time to deal with your mental problems."

"I don't have mental problems," I say indignantly.

"You're mentally unstable."

"I'm perfectly stable"

"Stable individuals don't murder their parents."

"I was defending Sage. I couldn't let him go through what I did."

"You barely went through anything. Anyway, I don't have the time to deal with you. I have but one request." I don't speak. He continues anyway. "What did you do to my daughter?"

"Defended myself from her," I say simply.

"...That's all I need to know. You're going back to the Lumiose Mental Institute," his voice is loud and commanding, intimidating. "For a short while at least. Until I can figure out what to do with you. I expect you to behave."

"I don't want to go back."

"How sad. You're leaving around nine o'clock."


"Do you honestly expect me to keep you here for the night?"


"But what? Did you not like it there? Did they treat you badly? Were they too cold, too rough? Did they treat you like a monster and a murderer? Good. They should have. You shouldn't be treated like a human, or even a Pokémon for that matter."

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