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Sage's P.O.V.

Why is she here? I thought she was in a mental hospital! She shouldn't be here! She...she killed my parents! She should be in jail. Everyone should hate her... Well they do, but still!

"We've met before, haven't we?" I turn to look at who said that. It was the short one with the dark brown, no black (that's definitely black) hair. He's frowning but doesn't look angry. He has a hat on, but I can see that his hair is choppy and shorter on one side. There's a scar on the shorter side with what looks like some stitches, but most of it's covered up. His eyes are really dark brown and he's kinda just starting at me, bored and waiting for an answer.

"Uh..." He frowns harder.

"Well?" I nod. He does look very familiar. He is familiar.

"Do I know you from where?" I nod, but he doesn't look like he believes me. He shouldn't; I actually don't know.

"It was in Snowpoint City," he says. "Two years ago I think." His voice is kinda rough for someone his age, which looks about five. I'm not sure if a three year old would remember something like that. "Remember? You were walking in that snowstorm." ...Oh yeah. I kinda remember being helped to get to town. I'm still not sure though.

"Yeah, I remember." He looks at me sideways. I keep talking. "How do you remember me?"

"Because," he says, "you still got that same stupid kicked Shinx look on your face."

"I remember you. For real this time." He smiled slightly, very slightly, before turning to the ruddy faced blond kid.

"Meet Sage." The blond kid looks at me and smiles.

"I'm Peridot," he says. "But most people call me Perry."

"I like Peridot better." He nods, still smiling. Does he always smile this much?

"I hope you mean the name," the brown haired one mutters. What was his name? Uhh, Jasper I think. Yeah, that's it. I remember I would call him Jasmine.

Peridot laughs; I kinda do. I just don't really laugh much. Jasper looks at me strangely. I'm positive we didn't meet when he was three. I'm not that much older than him, I don't think.

"How old are you," I ask mostly Jasper but I guess Peridot too.

"We're both eight," Jasper answers. "Well, I'm almost nine." I stop walking.

"What?! You're eight? You look about four! Jasper I mean." He frowns and Peridot laughs again.

"I do not!"

"Hmm... Maybe you're just a little short." Jasper's frown hardens. Peridot stops laughing. He's still kinda smiling though, so I couldn't have said something too bad.

Jasper clenches his fist. "I'm not that short," he practically growls. "And if anything, I look older than I really am." I study his face again. I can see what he means. His face is more angular and less round, his eyes are small and sharp. Mixed with his frown he does look older. Probably my age. No, older. Maybe thirteen. Actually, not quite that old, but older than eight.

"How old are you," he grumbles. "You gotta be like ten now, right?" He rolls his eyes as I nod.

"Do I look it?"

"Yeah, pretty much. You're a little tall but you still got a baby face." Oh. You know, I can't really think of anything else to say. I guess they can't either cuz we've fallen into a pretty awkward silence.

Why are we not at the woods yet? It doesn't usually take me this long to get there. I guess we are walking pretty slow. But why's that? I look at Jasper and notice what he's wearing: a jacket, and a light one at that.

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