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We've been in town for two days. Jasper is still in the Center. We aren't allowed to see him. Only Russet is and the only thing he tells us is that he isn't in a coma nor does he have any major brain damage.

Russet spends all of his time with Jasper which I found out was bad for Cerise. She needs help training and usually Russet is her coach. Malachi says he would help but he doesn't really know much about battling. I feel the same way. Today, however, Cerise has built up the courage to challenge the Shalour City gym.

It took her quite some time to even reach the gym leader, Korrina. She had trouble figuring out which rail to jump onto. Honestly, it seemed pretty simple if you asked me.

She's only been battling for about seven minutes so far, but she's already about to lose. It's a three on three battle and she's already lost two. Korrina still has all of hers.

"Niays!" That's the name of Cerise's Braixen. "You okay?" The fire type Pokemon nods at its trainer, though she obviously isn't okay.

"Okay girl," Cerise says. "Use Flame Charge!" Niays becomes covered in bright red flames then rushes towards the Machoke Korrina has out.

"Machoke! Dodge," Korrina says. It dodged the first time Niays used that move but this time it couldn't, seeing that Flame Charge raises speed. It's hit hard and takes a good deal of damage.

"Machoke, Rock Tomb!"

"Fuck," Cerise yelled as large gray rocks appeared over Niays's head. They crashed down and it was all over.

"Braixen is unable to battle," the referee says, "Machoke is the winner therefore the match goes to the gym leader Korrina."

Cerise calls back Niays and whispers something to its Pokeball. Most likely a thank you for battling.

"I don't think you have much experience battling," Korrina says.

"I have a coach but he wasn't able to prepare me for this battle," Cerise answers.

"So Russet is Cerise's coach," I say to Malachi.

"Not officially," he says. "Coaching is something he's considering taking a career in. He's trying it out with Cerise to see if he likes it." I nod in understanding.

"Does your coach have much experience," Korrina asks.

"He's a beginner. I'm the first person he's ever coached."

"Makes sense," the gym leader says. "How many badges do you have?"


And you only deserve one, I think to myself. What? As if you weren't thinking it.

Korrina stands there quietly for a while. "Well, if he's any good he'll know what to do about this. Especially being that you're in Shalour City after all. You should try a different approach. I'll look forward to a rematch Cerise. Good luck with your training."

"Thanks," Cerise says as she walks away. We, Malicai, Peridot, and I, meet her at the stairs leading out of the gym.

"Well, I failed that," Cerise says. She looks disappointed.

Malachi puts an arm around her. "You didn't necessarily fail. You could've done better but it wasn't a fail."

"Yeah, yeah," she says. "I was just hoping I would be able to get a gym badge without Russet's help. I mean, he's not going to be able to help me in the Pokemon League."

"It was a good attempt," Malachi says. "But you're still a beginner. Things like this take time."

"Well we don't have much of that," she says. "We already started a few weeks late. I can't take a week to try and get a badge."

"Started late," I ask. "What do you mean?"

"Oh well I guess since you're taking on gyms you wouldn't know," Malachi says. "The League closes to kids in September. You know, when school starts back. So child gym battlers have to try and get all eight badges and beat the Pokemon League by then."

Cerise picks up. "We're allowed to start our journey the day school lets out in May but we didn't start until over a month later."

"Oh," I say. We finally have arrived at the Pokemon Center. Russet's sitting at a table. He looks up at us and smiles sincerely.

"Did you win Cerise," he asks. She shakes her head.

"The gym leader said to try a different approach. She said it has something to do with this town."

"Something to do with this town, huh," Russet says. He pauses for a while before finally spreading. "Do you remember learning about Pokemon-amie?"

"Yeah," says Cerise. "It increases the bond between you and your Pokemon. What about it?"

"Come with me," he says standing up. He leads us to the battlefield in the back of the center then takes out a small tablet. "Call out Fyn."

Cerise looks hesitant, but she calls out the female Eevee. Russet hands the tablet to her.

"Press where it says play," he says. She touches the screen and suddenly we're surrounded by rainbows and bubbles.

"The fuck is this," Cerise asks. I was thinking the exact same.

"This is Pokemon-amie," Russet answers.

"No," Malachi says. "This is me on crack. Why the hell are there bubbles flying around and why is the sky covered in polka dots?"

"Don't ask me," Russet says a little less than happy. "Ask the people who made it."

"Okay," Cerise says. "This is all fine and dandy but how's this supposed to help?"

"You'll see eventually," is all Russet says.

"M'kay. So what does this have to do with this town?"

"Well, this town is known for Mega Evolution and that only works when the bond between you and your Pokemon is strong. And since this raises the bond..."

"That's a bit of a stretch," Malicai mutters.

Russet glares at him. "Oh what do you know? Anyway, Cerise just play with Fyn for a bit then have a battle with me."

She nods. "Still have no idea what it will do but okay." She starts feeding it these things called Poke-puffs and playing strange games.

"Russet," an almost silent voice says. It's Peridot. Wow, I almost forgot he was here. He's currently pressed against his brother's arm and leaning towards the rest of us. He still has a saddened look on his face.

"What," Russet says sharply. Peridot shrinks away which earns Russet a glare from Malachi.

"I-is it possible for us t-to leave right now," Peridot's voice stutters out. Russet rolls his eyes.

"Cerise, press the back button in the corner." She does as she's told and the brightly colored world of bubbles dissipates.

"Thank you," Peridot says quickly before scurrying off. Russet says something I can't quite hear but I guess Malachi does. He stands up abruptly and walks angrily away. Cerise is about to get up and follow but Russet stops her.

"Play with your Eevee. You need it right now."  She looks at me and I stare back. We stay like this for a few seconds.

What? I try to ask her in my head. She tilts hers toward where Malachiwent.

Oh, follow him? I try and convey by turning and pointing. She smiles and nods. I get up to go and find the brunet. Dear Arceus, I didn't sign up for all of this drama. I need to find a way to stop it. No, not that. That's too much energy. Though if the time comes I guess I'll have no choice.

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