Chapter 14: Doctors

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(This is a filler chapter in between seasons. It isnt my best work, but will get better when I start the next season.)

I heard a knock on the door,"come in."

"Are your parents here?" The doctor asked me.

"No. I wouldnt plan on them coming," I told her honestly.

"This your boyfriend?" She asked pointing to asher.

"Brother," I said quickly.

"Okay. So we got the results back. You have fractured your back," she told me.

My eyes widened.

"Is it why shes losing feeling in her hands and feet?" Asher asked my doctor.

"Yes. This is a severe fracture. More severe then I've seen in a while. When was the initial injury?" She asked me.

"A month and a half ago," I said honestly.

Asher gave me a shocked look. I refused to look at him in the eyes.

"What's the recovery time?" I asked her.

"I'm having you in a wheelchair for at least a months. You have to wear a back brace. No athletics for six months. You need to come in every two weeks. I will be prescribing some pain pills," she told me.


"Theres one more thing I want to talk to you about," she told me.


"When we did different test we noticed you were a bit malnourished. What was the last thing you've ate?" She asked me.

I noticed asher perked up at this comment. I stumbled over my words trying to get it out.

"Have you been eating?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Of course," I lied.

"Last you ate then," the doctor pushed.

"A millshake yesterday before my competition," I lied,"I was to nervous to eat anything else."

"That's a lie. I was with you all day," asher spoke up.

I shot him an annoyed look. He gave me one right back.

"I-um," I kept stuttering trying to think.

"Can you leave the room?" She asked asher.

"Shes my sister," he spoke up.

"Ash," I gave him a begging look.

"Fine. Text me when you need me," he said before leaving.

"Now. When was the last time you ate?" She asked me.

"Yesterday. My brother is being an ass," I continued to lie.

"Ace, I'm here to help."

"I dont need help," I snapped.

"Okay," she sighed,"I will send in your prescription. I'll be right in with your brace and a wheelchair."

She left the room and I texted asher to come back in.

"Are you okay Ace?" He asked me.

"I'm just fine," I told him.

"Are you starving yourself?" He asked me.

"No. I just didnt eat alot becuase of nerves yesterday," I lied.

He shot me a look that said he disnt believe me, but I just rolled my eyes. It doesnt matter if I'm starving myself or not, it's not a big deal.

When we were released asher took me to the sports grill where everyone is.

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