Chapter 8: Lets make a difference

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(A/N alright. What's one thing you like about my writing and one thing you dont. Please leave positive and negative so I can grow as a writer.)

"Ready for a tour of crenshaw?" Spencer asked me, our hands I intertwined.

Me and him walked together till we reached an old rundown playground. I saw him instantly look sad.

"Spence, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"I grew up in these parks. Now the gangs got everyone scared,"spencer said looking at the park.

"What can we do?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Is there anything we can do to fix it?"  I asked him softly.

"What if we made a petition to get gangs out of public areas. Like parks and stuff," he asked me, a new light in his eyes.

I smiled at this,"that's a good idea spence."

"I know who can help us," he told me.

He called somebody and a few minutes lady a really pretty girl showed up.

"Who's this?" The girl asked motioning to me.

"Kia, this is my girl, Ace," he said with a proud smile.

"Hi," I said and did a small wave.

Kia. This is Spencer's ex. Wow, shes stunning. Howd he go from her to me. A few minutes later flip showed up. Not gonna lie, the man scared me a bit.

"What you want, youngblood?" Flip asked him.

"Me and Ace want to start a petition to keep gangs out of recreational places, " spencer explained.

"Ace huh?" He asked eyeing me.

"She was the one that said if I wanted change I had to start it," he spoke up.

I stayed silent through it all.

"Shes awfully quiet now," flip said.

"I'm a quiet person," I spoke up.

"Hm. It wont work. Are you forgetting that I'm a blood," flip spoke up,"this effects me."

"Yeah. Buts what's the cost if you do nothing. The cost on the kids," I spoke up.

"So much for quiet. You sure have alot to say for someone who didnt grow up here," flip said.

"No. I didnt. But I see Dillion and I pray to God I can see him grow up with a happy childhood away from gangs," I spoke up again.

"Listen. I admire what your trying to do, but this isnt it," flip said before walking off.

"Yeah. Hes right. The quiet girl just ain't you," kia said laughing at me,"but I'm in."

"Yo what?" Spencer asked.

"Just becuase flip doesnt agree doesnt mean I'm not in. You and yo girl are convincing," she said smiling at me,"and I love to see another activist."

I sent her a huge smile. She sent one back. I can tell we are going to be friends. Me and her made it back to Spencer's and started to plan. Coop also came by to help.

"So a park clean up. Worst comes to worst we clean up the park," I spoke up.

"That's smart. People come to clean, then sign the petition," kia agreed.

Me and her continued to plan. Coop and Spencer laughed at us.

"How you get your ex and your current girlfriend doing labor for you?" Coop asked.

"I got no clue," he told her.

A few hours later we got olivia and leila to help. I'm not to happy with Leila but I'll live.

"We will put the posters up in like ten minutes," spencer said.

Everyone went their separate ways. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack from the fridge. I put it under my shirt and on my back. It hasn't quit hurting since homecoming, and it's getting worse.

But I refuse to go to the doctor. If I do I have to tell them how I got hurt. Then I go to foster system becuase my dad beats me and my mom hates me, and I cant have that.

"You okay?" Coop asked coming in the kitchen.

"Oh yeah. To much estrogen in one room, just needed a minute," I laughed.

She looked at me suspicious but moved on,"we are leaving."

"Alright. Give me a minute," I told her.

When she left the room I put the ice pack up and threw on my hoodie. I walked out and got in a group with my boyfriend and kia. We put up posters around the block and talked.

I went back with Olivia after we were done and went up to my room. I lifted my shirt to see slight swelling of my back, nothing to bad. I just keep waiting for it to go away, to heal. I have a competition soon and I need it to heal.

I fell asleep after taking a few pain meds. When I woke up the next day Olivia drove me to Crenshaw. We put on gloves and started to clean, but no one was showing up.

"Spence. Worst comes to worst we clean up a park," I said.

"Yeah, you right," he said smiling and placing a kiss to my lips.

"Maybe dont kiss ya new girl in front of your ex,"kia joked.

"Whatever. We all know you jealous," I joked back.

"No one should be jealous of you," leila mumbled.

I wanted to slap the shit out of her, but I didnt figure when we were fixing up the park was the best time. Suddenly people started to show up. Everything was fine and dandy until tyrone, who is fucking terrifying, and preach pulled a gun.

I stood back with kia and Olivia. We all watched in fear as the guys got in the middle of the guns.

"Please let them be okay," I whispered under my breath.

Luckily they called it off. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. We all started to leave but I pulled Leila aside.

"Listen, whatever I've done to you I'm sorry. I want our arguing to end."

"I have nothing against you. I just find it funny you think Spencer will continue to like you. I've seen you eat, your a pig. Your ugly. Your fat. Your the opposite of what he likes, I mean look at kia," she said with a smirk,"you will never find anyone looking like you do now."

I wanted to cry but I refused to give her the satisfaction.

"Well fuck you to bitch. I've done all I can to be civil," I said and sholder checked her,"and much more and I wont be afraid to punch you."

I walked to Spencer house. I saw him on the couch.

"God you scared me," I said and hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry. I had to do it," he said.

"I know, it's one of the things I love about you," I said.

I saw him smile when I saw that.

"Before you head back to Beverly, do you want to get some food?" He asked.

My stomach rolled at the thought of eating in front of him. Or maybe eating at all. As much as I hate it, leila may have a point. Nobody loves a fat girl.

"No. My stomach is still in knots from you," I laughed," I'm just gonna ride back with Olivia. Night Spencer."

"Okay. Night Ace," he said and pressed a kiss to my lips.

I left his house and got in the car with Olivia. When I got home I took out my scale and weighed myself.

257 pounds. My eyes widened and tears filled my eyes. I went to tho mirror and pulled off my shirt. I stared at my stomach. I felt like the longer I stared the fatter I got.

Is this how everyone sees me?

I have to fix this.

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