Chapter 6: The Big Game

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(Any scenes you guys want to see?)

"What time is your band competition tomorrow?" Cam asked me.

I'm avoiding Spencer. I'm embarrassed by what went down and seeing him will make it worse.

"Ten in the morning. It will be a late night with the malibu game tonight then right to a competition tomorrow," I sighed.

"So how's it work. This competition?"

"Its one of out big three. You make past this you go to the second one. You make it past that you in the final competition," I explained.


"How's crenshaw doing?" I asked Cam.

"We are in the playoffs baby!" He said with a smile.

"Congratulations!" I said hugging him.

"Well if it ain't my favorite beverly girl," chris said coming into slausons.

"Its it ain't my favorite Crenshaw quarterback," I said with a small smile.

"You been here all day?" He asked.

"Shes avoiding spencer," cam said.

"And my father. Hes pissed at asher," I laughed.

"And olivia kinda..." Chris trailed off.

"Slut shamed the hell out of for something that didnt happen?" Cam finished.

"Jordan is recovering from being high as a kite and JJ is hungover as shit," i finished.

"So she's here," cam laughed.

"Good to know we your first choice," chris laughed.

We were cut off by phone ringing. I saw it was Spencer and declined it.

"Quit being a coward and answer it," Cam demanded.

Suddenly my phone rang again. I reluctantly picked up.


"Ace can you come over to my house?" He sounded frantic, upset.

"Yeah. I'm on my way. I'm in Crenshaw anyway. What's wrong?" I asked throwing everything in my purse.

"Is Chris there?"

"Yea, chris is," I said confused.

"Tell him that Shawn's dead then come over please," he said, you can tell hes crying.

"I'll be right over."

"Chris you know anyone named shawn?" I asked him.

"Yea, why?"

"Spencer just told me he died," I said slowly.

"Get to his house he needs you," he said turning serious.

"Are you okay?"

"I got him. Yo boy needs you," cam told me.

I nodded my head and left slausons to head to Spencer's. When I walked in his mom was pacing in his livingroom,but look relieved when I showed up.

"Ace!" Dillio yelled happily and hugged me.

I hugged him back,"what's up little guy."

"Are you here to make my brother happy?" He asked me.

"I'm here to try. Where is he?" The last part directed to Miss James.

"His room. Hes shutting everyone out," she told me.

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