Chapter 3: Parties and crashes

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(I have midterms next week so imma be a sucky author. Please comment any scenes you'd like to see)

I was hanging out at the sports bar with the footplayerts after my shift. I was happy to see Spencer was finally starting to fit in.

"Ace, ready to get your ass beat in some pool?" JJ asked.

"I also beat you," I said with a laugh.

When the waiter came by I saw asher tense. I rolled my eyes at this, if he wants money he can get a job.

"Can I have an Iced mocha frappe please?" I asked him.

"That's the most average white girl thing I've ever come from your mouth," jordan noted.

"Oh shut up and let me have my coffee," i laughed.

Spencer talked to me while I beat JJ.

"Why is it you ain't popular at school, but you good with the football players?" Spence asked me.

"I grew up with them. Ive known jj since I was four and jordan since I was ten. We all were inseparable since then," i told him,"and liv used to be apart of it, but now shes not."

"And leila is," Spencer continued.

I rolled my eyes.

"You dont seem good with it," Spencer noted.

"Its fine. I just think my brother could do better," I said to him.

"Ace, quit talking and start loosing," JJ demanded.

I hit the cue while barely laying attention and knocked two of mine in. I smirked at JJs shocked expression and turned to spencer.

"Oh, and in the queen of this table," I said making him laugh.

I quickly defeated JJ and enjoyed being with the guys. Until asher got us in a predicament.

"Your throwing a party?" JJ asked my brother.

"No. No hes not," I interjected but it was too late.

"It dont look like they want to throw a party," spencer noted.

"Please asher lives for these parties. Plus, it's when people get drunk enough to think Ace is pretty," Leila said.

I rolled my eyes and rested against the pool table drinking my coffee. She isnt wrong in saying that, but still, she's a bitch.

"I think shes pretty," Spencer spoke up.

I looked to the ground and smiled a little. Spencer's nice, even if he doesnt mean it.

"Funny," leila snapped.

My brother came back over,"ace, you wanna help hype up the party that we are throwing?"

"Yeah sure. Give me some songs to play," I sighed.

I have no clue how hes gonna pull this off. He put his arm around Leila and left jordan with the bill.

"I got me and Ash's," i said to jordan.

I paid for our drinks amd left with Spencer.

"Why is Asher with leila if she treats you like that?" He asked me.

"She doesnt do that while hes around," I shrugged.

"Why don't you tell him?" Spencer asked.

"Hes happy. Me and asher may have our flaws but we always have eachothers back," I said.

Spencer stared at me for a few seconds before slinging his arm around me,"your a good person, Ace."

I smiled at the embrace as we walked to the baker household.

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