epilogue one: wedding

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Me and darnell have finished college. It's been a year since I graduated and six months since he did. I just started my own record label, and I have two successful artist. One being myself.

Darnell is in the NFL. He got drafted as a third round, but it's still incredible. He went to the Patriots. I'm so proud of him.

Now we are getting married, and I'm ready to throw up. I am so nervous and excited to marry the man I love. We have been engaged for five years, I'd say we are ready.

"You ready to go sis?" Asher asked coming in.

Asher is walking me down the isle. I wanted it to be him.

"I'm so nervous," I admited, my hands were shaking.

"I have money. It isnt to late to buy a remote island and run from life," asher offered making me smile,"theres ny smile. Today's your wedding. Dont let your nerves ruin it."

"I love you Ash."

"I love you to Ace. Now. You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

I walked out and the wedding music hit. Walking the wire by imagine dragons. I first stared over at my brides maids, Kia and coop.

Then I made eye contact with Olivia, my maid of honor. She did a small wave that I returned.

Then I looked over at the groomsmen. Dillion, cam, and Chris. His best man was Spencer. I laughed remembering him and Dillion fighting over it.

Then I made eye contact with darnell and my nerves were gone. This man was without a shadow of a doubt the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I finally made it down the isle. Darnell grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. He mouthed i love you to me and i mouthed it back.

"We are gathered here today for the union of Ace Amelia Adams and Darnell Carson Hayes," mama grace started.

Shs continued talking about everything but I was to busy staring at my soon to be husband.

"The couple has chosen to say their own vows. Ace," mama grace said, years in her eyes.

"When I met pretty boy over here I was at my worst. I was just kicked from a second house, my back was broken, and I had just switched schools. Then he came into my life and helped me through everything. Whether it was physical therapy or drugs or music or deciding to go to Julliard. He was there. And within the months we met we fell in love. We grew closer and our bond became unbreakable. Our relationship has been tested time and time again and we have come out stronger each time. So Pretty boy I am so glad in a few minutes I will have the honor of calling you my husband."

"Now you darnell."

"Like klutz when I moved to Crenshaw i was hot mess with trust issues. But I had no problems opening up to her and trusting her. She was so open and honest and kind I knew I could trust her. We would stay up all night talking and being honest with her. She showed me what a healthy relationship looked like. Then her life crashed down, time and time and time again. And I watched her become stronger and I kept thinking that this is the woman I will marry someday. And I am. And I'm so thankful I am Klutz."

"Do you, Ace Amelia Adams take Darnell Carson Hayes to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do."

"And do you Darnell Carson Hayes take Ace Amelia Adams to be your lawfully wedded wife."

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

And we shared our first kiss as husband and wife.

And we shared our first kiss as husband and wife

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