Chapter 12 - Long Haul

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Standing in front of the mirror, you apply the finishing touches to your make up, finally pleased with how you look

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Standing in front of the mirror, you apply the finishing touches to your make up, finally pleased with how you look. You smooth out the wrinkles of your dark blue satin dress, taking one final look at yourself. Pairing the look with some heeled tie up sandals, you're ready to head to Rossi's.

Rossi had said earlier at the office to come at any time after 6:30pm.

The buzzing from your phone notifies you that your taxi is here. Grabbing your black, oversized trench coat, you lock the door behind you and slide into the cab. Rossi's mansion was about a twenty minute drive from your house, so you'd arrive a little before seven.

It seemed that everyone was already there, judging by the cars in the driveway. Rossi had opened the door for you, kissing both of your cheeks and guiding you to his open plan kitchen and dining area.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm a little late." You mumble.

"Nonsense, it's only 6:45. Here let me take your coat, bèlla." Rossi helps you out of your coat, hanging it up for you.

"Look at you." Prentiss whistles and instantly your face flushes.

"Oh shut up. Look at you, red is definitely your color. I'm sorry, how have you just had a baby JJ? And PG, those heels. We must go shoe shopping. You girls honestly all look stunning!" You compliment and gush, smiling at Emily, JJ and Garcia.

Emily was dressed in a fitted red dress with a square neck, the perfect contrast with the tone of her skin. JJ was also in a fitted black dress, that was off the shoulder, showing her fabulous figure. Garcia was wearing a skater flowery dress, that simply was Penelope personified, bright and beautiful.

"I'm hurt sweetness, what are we? Chopped liver?" Morgan gestures to Hotch, Reid, and Rossi, before placing a dramatic hand across his chest. The team chuckle at his antics.

"I would never say such a thing. Besides, it's not my job to stroke your ego." You raise a brow teasingly, placing a hand at your waist and you fake seriousness.

"Nope, that would be mine. And you know I love you, chocolate thunder." Penelope kisses his cheek and the team erupt into laughter again. Hotch just shakes his head in amusement.

Rossi asks you if you want a glass of wine, which you accept eagerly, thanking him. Conversation flows around you, everyone breaking away and talking in separate groups. Rossi announces that dinner will be served in twenty minutes and everyone thanks him, getting back to their conversations.

You feel a hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you to the edge of the room. "Hey Em, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just don't feel like we've spoke in a while. How are you?" She asks, smiling at you.

Returning her smile, you reply saying how you're good, happy that we weren't in Oregon for too long. She agrees, mentioning how she's happy that it's the weekend. You two make plans to have a movie night next weekend and order takeout. Saturday works for both of you and Emily says she'll mention it to JJ and Garcia to see if they're free.

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