Chapter 5 - Sedative

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It was black

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It was black. Eerily black as the SUVs pulled up in front of the run down house. The surrounding trees rustled in the wind, creating moving shadows. The leaves crunched beneath your boots as you followed Rossi. Hotch had instructed Reid and Morgan to check the outer wooden buildings on the premises, while he'd gone with Prentiss round back to enter through the rear door.

You were crouched, moving slowly with your gun drawn by your side. Rossi set foot in the house first, going to the left. You followed after him, checking the right, raising your gun.

"Clear." He says.

"Clear." You copy.

"I'm going to check the basement." You announced. Rossi nodded in acknowledgement and went to check upstairs.

You slowly proceeded toward the door of the basement, your flashlight  providing you with some visibility. You grab the handle, attempting to push it open. It's stiff and doesn't budge. You shove the door with your shoulder, forcing it open. You catch it before it slams against the wall.

You steadily place a foot onto the first step, glancing around with your flashlight. You move to the second step, and that's when you realize there isn't a second step, or a third or fourth.

It happened far too rapidly for you to comprehend. You couldn't do anything to stop the fact that you were falling. You hit the floor hard. Tremendously hard. You hear the pop of your shoulder, the part of your body that absorbed the force of your fall.

"Fuck!" You hiss, in excruciating pain. You feel tears well in your eyes.

Your attention is briefly refocused when you hear shuffling. He's here.

You use your opposite arm to support your body, shakily getting up from the floor. You switch your torch and gun, putting your flashlight into your dominant hand. The arm that was currently pulsing in agony.

You lift the torch to see the unsub slowly making his way towards you. Raising your left arm, you point the gun towards him.

"Stop. FBI!" You shout, aiming at him. He stops when he notices the gun. He glances to his left and bolts. That's when you notice the second entrance into the basement. That's how he got down here then.

You aim for his leg, and shoot him in the back of the thigh, stopping him instantly as he screams out in pain, dropping to the floor.

The battered door bursts open and Morgan rushes in with Reid. Both of them panicked at the sound of the gunshot.

"It's okay, he's down." You mumble. Morgan speaks into the radio saying you got him and then grabs the unsub aggressively, shoving him toward the wall once he's on his feet.

"We need a medic." Reid exclaims into the radio, looking at the unsubs leg and pool of blood.

You slump to the floor beneath you, the pain becoming unbearable. "One for me too, please." You mumble, starting to become woozy from the extreme discomfort.

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