Chapter 9 - It's a Date

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The weekend arrived and you couldn't welcome it enough

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The weekend arrived and you couldn't welcome it enough. Everything seemed to have been non-stop the last couple of weeks, with continuous cases, and you were exhausted. You were grateful that you could finally spend some time at home, even if that meant you had to go to the office to finish some paperwork, at least you were in Quantico for the weekend.

You also really needed to workout this weekend, considering you only had five days until your annual fitness test. You didn't think you'd fail, but you hadn't really done any form of exercise in two months or so. It couldn't hurt to get a couple of miles in as preparation.

Finally deciding you couldn't lounge around in bed any longer trying to put off actually going for a run, you get up. You dig through your closet, looking for your running gear. You finally find some black leggings and a florescent running top. You grab your duffel bag and throw in a polo, sweater and leggings, deciding you'd head straight to the office after you'd finished at the park.

After slipping on your trainers you head out the door. Placing your bag, gun, credentials and the bottle of water you'd grabbed into the trunk, you slip into your car.

You'd always loved cars and it'd been a while since you had got behind the wheel of your dark highland green mustang, so you loved any excuse to drive it. You shifted into gear, reversed out of your drive and headed for your local park.

It had just turned 8am so it was only just getting light. There's a slight chill in the air but the skies are clear. It's a crisp morning, which makes for perfect running conditions.

You pull into a parking space and grab your earphones, selecting your running playlist. You slip your phone into your armband and exit the car.

You stretch quickly before setting off, wanting to get a couple of miles in before the park began to fill. It's not long before you zone out, focusing solely on your surroundings and the music in your ears.

The path is very familiar, so following it is easy, almost like second nature. Running always relaxed you and being outdoors calmed you. As you near the halfway point in the trail, you make a mental note to not leave it so long next time, case permitting anyways.

The last mile soon approaches and you exert yourself further, running quicker. You sprint the last 100 yards, fully pushing your body to the limit, before making it back to your car.

You hunch over as soon as you reach the mustang, gasping for breath, trying to get air back into your lungs. Inhaling deeply, you rest your palms on the top of your head, stretching your diaphragm.

You pop the trunk and reach for your bottle of water. That's when you feel a hand lightly grip your bicep. As you turn to face the person who was currently caressing your arm, you subconsciously reach for your handgun.

Standing in front of you is a delectable looking Hotch, dressed in a black running top and black shorts. He gives you a shy smile, retracting his arm when he notices the weary look on your face. Pulling out your earphones as you do, you face him fully.

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