Chapter 18 - Past Tense

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A/N - we're picking up right after the end of the last chapter. Enjoy!


Sighing, you push aside the door, gesturing for Hotch to come inside, "What are you doing here Hotch? It's almost midnight."

"I couldn't drag this out any longer. I want to talk to you." Hotch closes the door behind him, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the wall.

I've consumed way to much alcohol to have such a conversation now. Could he have come at a worser time?

Gazing at him, you take him in, from head to toe. God he looks hot. How does he make a quarter zip look so good? And his legs in those jeans. How does he make casual wear look so...ugh!

Gritting your teeth and closing your eyes, you scold yourself, hating that you found him so attractive and were so easily distracted by his presence alone.

Putting up a wall, you mirror his stance, crossing your arms as you lean against the bannister of by your stairs. "You need to go home and rest. This conversation should be the last of your priorities right now. You definitely have bigger things to be dealing with."

He unfolds one of his arms, pointing between you and him, "This is one of my priorities."

Scoffing, you shake your head at his words. "I can't keep up with you Hotch. Firstly, you say you really like me, an awful lot apparently, and you're in it for the long haul. Then we're just screwing and now I'm one of your priorities? I really don't think you know what you want."

He takes a step towards you, seemingly trying to close the distance you'd created.

"You're what I want." He confidently expresses.

"Well you have a funny way of showing it. Yes, I can admit that I may have crossed the line, reacting the way I did, but that's only because I cared, because the team care. What you did was reckless. So fucking reckless." Your voice raises considerably as you move towards him.

Rising onto the balls of your feet, you get in his face, meeting his eye. The anger you felt seemed to have caused your alcohol induced haze to fade.

"You could have been killed. And then what about Jack? We both know what it's like to grow up without our parents. It's painful, it's hard and impacts you deeply. What you did was so incredibly stupid and careless, but most importantly it was selfish, because in that situation, you didn't think about how your actions could have affected your family. And that wouldn't have just been on you, that would have been the team's burden to bare too." Surprisingly your voice remains calm, even though you can feel your whole body shaking.

"Can you honestly say that you even gave walking into that house, unarmed and unprotected, a second thought? Did you not think about consulting us, so we could have supported you, eliminated some of the risk? I'm not undermining your authority or questioning you." Well I kind of am.

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