Chapter 26 - Quarterzip

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There was another victim

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There was another victim. His death now made the total four, in only seven days.

Besides practically witnessing the murder, Penelope was fine, at least physically. Unsurprisingly, she was a little shaken. She had run towards the danger afterall.

Whilst Morgan was currently consoling her, you, Hotch, Rossi, Reid and Prentiss discuss how the unsub is becoming bolder, with his accelerating schedule and with the victim being strategically dragged outside the tavern. This was clearly a detail he meant for the team.

"He's telling us that he's not afraid of us. He's gaining confidence." Hotch announces as Rossi crouches to take a closer look at the body.

"He switched to a hunting knife, looks like a jagged edge."

You listen intently as Reid informs everyone that's there's more physical damage too, that he's been cut open, but you become distracted, your thoughts focusing on how cold your hands are. You internally chaste yourself, knowing you were ill-equipped, knowing you should have brought gloves.

Subtly, you bring your shivering hands under your armpits, trying to neither draw attention to yourself or distract the others with any hastily, sudden movements.

"I won't know until Dr Johnson does an autopsy, but I'd be willing to bet he took a piece of the victim with him." Both you and Prentiss share a wince at Reid's deduction when you hear Hotch start to fuss a little, rustling as he asks Reid, "What kind of piece?"

As Reid answers, you see a pair of black, thick gloves enter your peripheral vision, passed to you wordlessly. Your face heats instantly as you take the gloves from him, whispering a small, inaudible, "Thank you".

Hotch continues listening to Reid and no one says a word nor bats an eye, yet you notice a smug expression on Rossi's face. When he catches your eye, he sends you a sly wink. Simultaneously you roll yours, scoffing. Who does he think he is, the Italian fairy godfather?

You keep your head down as you pull on Hotch's gloves, sighing softly at the relief your fingers feel, only looking up when you hear the coroner ask if he can start processing the body. That's your cue to vacate the area, so you and the team start to head back to the Tavern.

You feel his presence beside you as you walk in sync towards the Sheriff's beat up yellow Chevy. Turning to confirm it's him, you see him briefly glance your way, his expression asking a silent question, 'Are you okay?'. Nodding in response, you watch as he sends you his version of a small smile in acknowledgement, something you'd consider more of a lip twitch.

Morgan rejoins the group as you seem to hover outside, and you slightly curse everyone for not moving this discussion indoors. Morgan states that Garcia has given all the information she can when Hotch asks if she has anything more to share.

You agree with Hotch when he voices how the unsub is all over the place, therefore disagreeing with Rossi who feels like the team are one step behind.

"That's exactly it, it's like what you said on the plane Emily. The victimology's inconsist, the methodology's evolving. Think about it, the first kill was sloppy, hesitant and unplanned." You contribute to Hotch's train of thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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