Chapter 20 - Freshen Up

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"I really love you, a lot

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"I really love you, a lot."

"I love you too." You exclaim, rising and climbing into his lap, wrapping your arms around your neck.

"I've known for a while, but never knew when was the right time to tell you. This probably is isn't the best time, but I couldn't wait any longer." He explains against your lips, reconnecting them after every other word.

"So have I. And this was perfect, today's been perfect. I really love you a lot too, Aaron." You whisper softly, looking at him and smiling. He growls and slips a hand behind your head, drawing you in. He kisses you hungrily, as if he was a man starved.

"Come on." He utters, standing and lifting you with him in his arms.

"What? Why? Where are we going?" You ask, just like he did earlier.

"It's time for me to have my wicked way with you."


"Wait." Placing your hands on Hotch's chest, you halt him from going acsending the stairs.

Frowning at you, he pauses, letting you slide down his firm body and letting you plant yourself back on the floor.


"Because I need to freshen up, as they say. Give me ten minutes and then you can come upstairs." And with that, you wink and turn on your heel, racing to your bedroom in anticipation. You hear him growl and you can't help the small chuckle that escapes your lips.

You'd never really been one for lingerie, but decided to indulge yourself, hoping to get a reaction from Hotch. Afterall, tonight was pretty special.

After a quick shower, ten minutes soon turns to twenty, but you thought Hotch would believe it was worth the wait when he finally saw you. Applying the finishing touches, you gave yourself one last once over in the mirror. You were sporting a lace, lilac coloured matching set with an accompanying garter, that positively accentuated your waist and curves.

Opening the door of your walk in closet, you spot Hotch sat on the edge of your bed, holding a tumbler of brown liquid. You assume it's whiskey as that's all you have.

The click of the door alerts Hotch of your presence, and his eyes fly up to you. He grins wolffishly, shifting his position on the edge of your bed, resting on his elbows.

His eyes rake up and down your body, unashamedly as he takes you in fully. He lifts the tumbler to his mouth, eyes never leaving yours as he swigs the rest of the liquid down. Neither of you say a word as he places the now empty tumbler on the floor beside him, again, his eyes never breaking contact with yours.

"Come here." He commands roughly, practically growling at you. His tone sends a tingle straight through you.

Smiling seductively, you prance over to him, stepping in between his strong thighs. You look down at him, waiting for him to say or do something, but he remains silent and unmoving.

Sweetness (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Where stories live. Discover now