Chapter 4: Worst Part about being Immortal

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Location: Musutafu Japan UA High

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. The students were currently working on a bs worksheet I had passed out so I can finish looking over my new case.

Apparently, some lady was stealing cars as if it was grand theft auto today. I sent the detective on the job her information once I figured out it was her committing the crime.

"Mr. Y/N, I have a question" Red Shark kid asked. I looked over at him.

"Whatcha need?"

"I was wondering if you have any tips, for the upcoming sports festival" he finishes. Now the rest of the class had hopeful gazes on me.

"I dunno man, I'm a history teacher not a guidance counselor. For a good reason too" the class started whining and complaining at the same time.

"You were once a hero right? You must have knowledge, more than everyone since you've been out there the longest" pink raccoon girl said. I really have to learn their names or I'll be stuck on the nickname basis for all these kids.

"Yeah I was, but back then heroes could kill the villian"

"Besides that!" The class said in sync.

"It's just the sports festival right? Why does this even matter? Just don't kill each other, you'll be alright" I shrugged, making them deadpan.

I didn't know how to guide these children, I don't even know how to guide myself. If I gave these kids advice I would probably have half of the class dying in a day.

I checked my phone, 10 minutes until lunch time for these brats.

"Alrighty then class is dismissed! You get first dibs at the lunch line!" I announced. The students with less than a 2.0 GPA ran to the door in a second. Until minecraft Steve stopped them.

"There's still 10 minutes of class sir" ponytail fan service objected.

"Yaoyorozu is right, we need to spend that class time strengthening our brains sir!"

"You wanted me advice right? Rule number 1, get the grubs so you grow big and strong" I responded, waving off the students. They hesitantly left the classroom and I jumped out the window.

Beats taking the stares and I got a quick reset on my brain. I had to do a few things.

Location: Musutafu Japan Mall

I walked out of the flower shop. I had a few bouquets of lilies. I got a few cards as well as a butterfly ornament I found in one of the shops. I got back into my car and drove to the cemetery.

I took a deep breath and grabbed all the items I purchased from the mall.

I walked a few ways until I got to my parents graves. I put one of the bouquets down at my mother's stone, and placed a card in front of my dad's. I bowed my head and said a few words in my head before I got up and went on.

I gave a few more bouquets to my cousins, aunts and uncles, grandma's and grandpa's.

I felt my heart weigh down when I went to the last few graves. I kneeled down in front of my sisters grave and placed the bouquet down gently. I put my hand on the stone as if I were holding her hand. She had died in the same war I had, I didn't know the extent of my quirk at the time.

I didn't even know what a quirk was. My parents didn't have one. If I had known, I would've brought them all back to life.

I stayed there for a few minutes before moving on. I kneeled down on another grave, one that still made my heart break every time I looked at it. The time I was still aging, when I actually looked like someone in their late twenties, I had married.

She was my other half, we were inseparable. Then she perished to, by the damn war that took so many lives. I decorated her grave with flower petals and ended it with lighting a few candles.

Right next to her grave, was my daughter's.

Her name was Jupiter, I practically begged to have her named after my favorite planet. She was the love of my life, she was just five years old when she was diagnosed with leukemia.

I pulled out the white lilies and put them down. I carefully revealed the glass butterfly and put it next to the flowers. That was her favorite thing to do, go to the old garden and watch the butterflies fly around.

She was even fortunate enough to have a few land on her. I still see the way her eyes sparkled when that happened.

I wiped the stray tear that left my eyes. I pressed my forehead on the gravestone, like I did when I would press my head up against hers all those years ago.

Third Person

If someone asked Y/N what was the worst part about being immortal. It would always be seeing everyone you love die before you, and you have no way to reach them again.

Y/N had even contemplated over seeking out All for One, he knew his quirk, the ability to steal the quirks of others. For Y/N, that was a goldmine, he would be with everyone that he loved.

He never did though, because he didn't have the heart to make the community of today worry about All for One being immortal, the guy would be unstoppable.

He didn't think his family would like that very much, especially Jupiter. So he endured it and spent most of his life looking for ways to end it all without giving his quirk to the wrong hands.

Aizawa wouldn't erase his quirk for him, because he was too much of a good person to let Y/N commit suicide in front of him.

That didn't mean Y/N would give up, he researched everyday. He is not any closer to solving his own problem, so he solves other problems along the way, becoming a detective.

He saved anyone he could, so that their families wouldn't have to be sad to lose someone. Of course he didn't let anyone suffer.

Some people want to die. Patients at the cancer hospital, if he'd shoot them with my special bullet, they wound still have cancer, his quirk isn't a miracle worker. So, some people request to die, who was he to deny their wishes?

That's why he didn't understand when he requested to die, the people with the ability to take his quirk away didn't allow him to do it.

It didn't seem fair.

First Person

I let out a long sigh and smiled at the graves in front of me. I said a few words before getting up and taking my leave.

I didn't want to be immortal. No matter how many people say how blessed I am to have this quirk, I would give anything to take it away.

I got back in my car and drove to the detective agency. Another day, of my same everyday life.

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