Chapter 34: Time I Spend with You

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A/N: This is just a heads up on how I'm planning on writing the rest of season 4. I'm going to be doing my own thing up until we get to Endeavour's big moment, meaning the hero brackets and what not. I just had a few ideas I wanted to include before we get to my own arc after season 4, because I already have everything planned, including how I end this book. So no I didn't forget about Gentle, I just don't want to write it in 😂

"Now, I will show you my ultimate move!" I yelled.

"Oh no" Kota said, sitting next to Eri.

"Ultimate flip!" I yelled, throwing the pancake up from the pan as high as I could. It never came back down.

The three of us looked up, seeing the pancake sticking to the ceiling.

"Why does this happen to me?" I questioned, still looking up.

"Ahahaha!" Kota started wheezing uncontrollably. I sighed and grabbed an apple off the counter and threw at the ceiling, right next to where the pancake was stuck. I didn't expect for it to work on my first throw, so it landed on my face.

Which made Kota laugh even more.

"I have to make more" I muttered, getting the pancake off my face. Eri looked amused, but she didn't smile. She hasn't smiled, not a single time.

She's been here for just a few days, but she didn't know how to smile. The first night she stayed here, I woke up to her sleeping at the edge of my bed. I knew she was still scared, but she didn't want to tell me about it. But, I would do everything I can to make her smile, to be a normal little kid.

I finished up the pancakes and the kids started eating them, Kota telling Eri about the solar system enthusiastically.

I just leaned against the counter with my eyes closed. Listening to the conversation proudly, because Kota sounded like a younger me. Telling Akuma about the stars and planets before the war.

My phone began ringing and I answered after a few rings.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Y/N, can you come to the hospital as soon as you can?"

It was an old friend of mine named Akinari. He was a great hero a long time ago, retired with his wife and had two kids.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon" I replied, hanging up right after. I called Ellie and Iroh, to ask if they could watch Eri and Kota for just a little, which they happily agreed to.

When they got to the house I quickly thanked them and got into my car, driving to the hospital silently.

I parked the impala and walked inside the familiar building, getting the room number from the receptionist. Once I got to the correct room, I knocked a few times, earning myself a confirmation on entry.

"Akinari" I greeted, closing the door behind me.

"Y/N, it's good to see you" he greeted. He looked pale, he was sick, that much was obvious. I sat in the chair beside his bed, waiting for him to speak.

"I don't have a lot of time. They gave me a day, cancer got worse" Akinari explained, getting to the point.

"There isn't anything they can do?" I asked, looking at my old friend.

"I'm afraid not. I asked my wife to step out for a little so I can ask you something. Can you use your quirk on me?" Akinari asked, a tear coming from the corner of his eye. "I know it's selfish of me to ask, because of everything you've already done for me"

"Akinari, my quirk isn't a miracle worker. I can do it, but the cancer will still be there. I can only a week at most" I answered softly, looking at the sick man.

"Even if it's just a day, I need just a day. My daughter is getting married tomorrow, and I want to be there. It's the day every daughter looks forward to the most, please. She's my little girl" Akinari begged.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes at the mention of his daughter. Who was I to deny a request like this? He deserved to see his daughter off, I would give everything to see mine too. I nodded and pulled my flintlocks out.

He looked at me gratefully, and I transfered my life to him. Giving him a week, just enough time to be with his family until the cancer took him away.


My drive home was silent. No music playing on the radio. No honking my horn at idiotic drivers.

I realize how precious time was. The extra time people wanted with the ones they loved. It was something I wished I had too, but I can't anymore. And it hurt, a lot.

And it also made me realize the time I had now. The time I spend with my class is precious. The time I spend with my old students, I should take advantage of. The time I spend with the two new kids in my life, I should cherish.

So as I parked my car, I kept the engine running. I got out of the car and went inside my house. I thanked Iroh and Ellie for watching them, and they went back next door.

Eri and Kota were coloring on the kitchen table, and I got both of their attention.

"Hey, let's go on a little trip" I spoke up, causing them to look at me in confusion.

I would spend every second with them, like I would spend it with Jupiter. Because life's too short to have regrets. Even if I think I have all the time in the world, not everyone else does.

So, I'll take them both to my favorite place. It was my favorite place, because it was Jupiter's favorite place. And make it seem, like today was my last day on earth.

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