Chapter 46: Chase your Dreams

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A/N: I finished reading Demon Slayer manga the other day, I'm depresso expresso rn 🖤 anyways, enjoy the chapter 🥲

"I'll get the results in as soon as they process" Tracy promised, taking the photos of Eri and Kota. 

"Thanks Tracy, I'll be waiting for your call" I smiled and walked out of the forensics lab. 

I got in my car and drove to the detective agency, as I promised the day before. Going back as a detective would definitely take a lot of time away from me working on the Seikatsu case. Now there'll be even more cases on top of this one. 

I reached the agency and locked my car, walking towards the building with a grim expression. 

The guard saluted as usual, and I told them to relax just like every time they act formal around me. 

I straightened out my jacket as I walked, slipping my badge around my neck. I knocked on Machima's office door so I could receive my first assignment. 

She allowed my access and I walked in lazily, a small pout on my face. 

"Oh nice to see you, Y/N. To be honest, I thought I would have to send patrol cars to retrieve you, if you had refused to hold your end of the deal" she laughed as she finished braiding her hair. 

"Well, here I am. Can I get my case then, so I can quickly work on it?" I asked, getting more impatient knowing all the seconds I'm wasting. 

"Of course, I picked one out for you already" she smiled, securing her braid and opening her filing cabinet. 

I saw she had an entire cabinet just for me, which was a downer. All the files in there were all cases she would assign me, which means now I barely have any time to solve my own problems. 

Machima grabbed one and slid it over to me. I quickly took it off the desk and turned to leave the office. 

"Hold on there, why were you at forensics this morning?" She asked. 

I slowly turned to her, my expression indifferent. One of her employees must've saw me there and reported it to her, now I have more stalkers. 

"Personal reasons. We all have them, and I would like if my reasons stayed personal" I shrugged and left the office. I probably shouldn't talk to my boss like that, but I'm grumpy this morning. ╭( •̀ •́ )╮

I opened the file up, looking through all the evidence, witnesses, victims name, their family ties. Everything that got me closer to solving the crime, I looked thoroughly and memorized it all.

I closed the file shut and tossed it on the passengers seat. I felt myself getting worked up, so I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before turning on my car and driving off to the first location. I would head to the place of death first, which was coincidentally the memorial for the war that united all of Japan, the war I had defeated All for One. 

As I drove there, the place of death was very unordinary. Also disrespectful, a little boy at the age of 8 was murdered there. But what really confused me, was that this case wasn't even announced on the news, nor was I informed of a body so I could try to bring the boy back to life. 

I got to the memorial and stepped out of my car. The entire land was cleared, the buildings of the city were a little further back. I appreciate the fact that they left the land clear, signification of the war happening on this turf, of course the trenches were cleared. 

The names of all my fallen allies were on small nameplates, going all around the area. I looked down at a familiar name, my best friend Akuma. He didn't deserve what had happened to him, he lost his mind to the war and then he himself died with it. 

I shook my head and continued walking to the blocked off section of the area. They said the boy died by being shot on the scene. 

I looked at the photo that came with the file. The blood around the body wasn't much, at least, not enough if the boy was shot at this specific location. That means the boy was shot elsewhere, and his body was dumped at the memorial. 

If his body was dumped, then that means his uncle lied about seeing the boy running around the memorial. I would have to get forensics, more so Tracy, to closely examine the time of death of the boy so I could confirm my theory. 

I closed the file and looked around the clearing. I still didn't understand why I was assigned to this area m, without a police team as well. I also didn't understand how this case wasn't solved before, I'm sure another detective could solve this case as easily as I did. Something just didn't add up, why was this case saved for me specially? This case was labeled under my name, so Machima wanted me to work on it. 

I pulled my phone out and went to my messages. 

From: Y/N 
To: Shota Aizawa 

Bring some heroes to my location please. 
(Location Sent) 

I slid my phone back in my pocket and continued to look around. I walked a few feet out and noticed a difference in the dirt at one area. It looked like someone had dug in that spot and covered it back up. It wasn't as evened out as the rest of the clearing. 

My phone started ringing, so I took my attention off of the spot and answered. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Hey it's Tracy, I got the results for your pictures, do you want to come by or have me tell you over the phone?" 

"Can you tell me now?" 

"Sure, the pictures were printed exactly 2 months and 3 days ago. The printer was from the detective agency" Tracy explained. I felt my breath hitch at the results. 

"You're sure?" I asked. 

"Positive, I have everything written and filed for you when you pick it up" she confirmed.

"Thanks Tracy" I thanked and hung up. 

2 months and 3 days ago is the day I took Kota and Eri to file the entire adoption. So these were the original pictures for sure, no doubt about it. There was no news on the agency being broken into. Tracy would've informed me if it were, since she's in close ties to the agency due to being a forensic scientist. 

And the one these files were given to, was Machima herself. 

I looked around and brought my attention to the patch of uneven dirt. The peculiar case that was assigned to me the day I got back to the agency. My lack of a police team. 

Files on Seikatsu gone, and files on his team limited. One criminal in peculiar completely out of the system.

Then I remembered what Ren had told me during the interrogation. Dream Catcher was their main source of information. 

My eyes widened in realization. And I found myself saying a single sentence, before all hell broke loose. 

"Machima's Dream Catcher"

Then the explosives started going off all around me.

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