Chapter 43: Torn to Shreds

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I didn't want to get up in the morning. I had to pick up Eri and Kota, just to send them right back, this time with their luggage. I was exhausted, I didn't sleep at all last night, just staring at the ceiling, second guessing myself if I was doing the right thing. 

In the end, of course it all came back to the same conclusion. I have to sacrifice my happiness so they're safe. It sounds so simple to say yet it weighs down on me like bricks. 

I got dressed after a shower, trying to hide the exhaustion from my face. I didn't want Kota and Eri to see me like this, I wouldn't allow them to. 

I finished getting ready and walked to my parked car. 

"Oh Y/N! Just in time" Ellie greeted from her garden. Iroh was fixing some soil, for what I assumed to plant flowers. 

"We got you some flowers, you and the two little ones can plant! It's your favorite, gentian flowers" Ellie continued, showing off the potted plants. 

"We just thought that this place would be more lively, get butterflies out here as well" Iroh explained, planting the lily in the dirt and covering up the roots. 

"Maybe another time, sorry" I answered, getting into the car and beginning to drive off. The elderly couple just watched my retreating car in concern, because I sounded detached from the entire world. 

The drive was quiet, I couldn't hear the honks of other cars or the sound of my own car. It was silent, I almost thought I fell asleep, but sleep wouldn't come as easy as that. 

I found myself parking in front of the UA dormitories. I got out of the car and walked towards the main doors. Aizawa had contacted me, informing me that Eri and Kota were currently in the first year dorms, so he could keep a close eye on them. I think he did it so I would run into my class. 

I walked into the lounge room, I could hear the increase of childish giggles from the two little ones, and the conversing of my students. 

"Mr. Y/N!" Kaminari yelled first. This gained the attention of the rest of the class. I took a calming breath before smiling at all of them.

"Hey kiddos, long time no see" I greeted as if nothing was wrong. Some of the students ran towards me, Eri and Kota latched themselves on my legs. 

"Your fight a few weeks ago was incredible! You took him down in under a minute!" Midoriya said with a sparkle in his eyes. 

"About time you showed up!" Bakugou yelled in an irritated voice but still walked over to greet me. 

"It hasn't been the same here without you" Todoroki said. 

"Yeah sorry about that! Ever since I returned as a hero there's been nonstop work!" I laughed, scratching the back of my head. 

"It's okay! Your fight with the claw villain was super manly! He didn't even know what hit him!" Kirishima cheered with a big smile on his face. 

"Haha it was fine, I've been on a case for quit some time and haven't had time to visit" 

"Well hurry it up, I have some new moves to show you" Bakugou smirked, hands beginning to spark. 

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